Day 1 of Pigfarts

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I woke up early and began reading. I can really see why I am suited for Ravenclaw. Anyways, I read, meditated then went down to breakfast. I was extremely bored so I used my amazing magic skills to charm Dumbledore's clothes to look like a lemon and his hair to be tied up with big yellow scrunchies.

The entire hall burst into laughter, with even McGonagall twitching her lips. He turned bright red and ran out of the hall, sherbet lemons dropping on the floor after him.

After that, we went to class. Charms first with Gryffindors. Oh great. The lesson was honestly fine, if you ignore my oh so lovely brother kicking my chair and trying to get me in trouble. Flitwik did nothing, because he was the boy-who-ate-too-much. We were told we would do practical next lesson, so that is one small thing to look forward to.

The rest of the day passed with nothing exciting happening, apart from the boy-who-lived-to-make-me-want-to-commit-murder messing up and blaming it on whoever was near. Not so surprisingly, I was stuck sitting alone at meals, and could hear the people whispering about me. Annoying.

The rest of the week was similar, many avoiding me. I didn't really care as I had my own friends. Honestly, Hogwarts wasn't really all it was cracked up to be. Though I may be a little biased. At least Fred and George were always fun, as long as they didn't prank me. Then I would raise all of hell to rain revenge on them! ...I am not evil.

One morning, a letter dropped in front of me. I recognised my mother's handwriting and stuffed it into my pocket before anyone could notice. I finally got some free time in the courtyard and opened the letter, letting my friends chatter around me.

Dear Hades,

I am planning the lovely surprise tonight, and have everything packed. You will most likely recieve a Gringotts letter tomorrow morning informing you about my death. I can't wait!

Your mother,

Lilith Anastasia Daniels

Lady Ravenclaw

(Do you like the name? I love it!)

I laughed and handed the letter to Daphne. She had found out about the plan first, and offered her help. I accepted of course, as her mother was connected to everyone, and had friends within the goblin community. I don't know how, and Daphne won't tell me.

"Wow, your mum is so lucky to have you." Unused to compliments, I blushed lightly, "I agree with Tracy, but have you guys noticed how shifty Quirrell is? There's no way that stutter is real." Neville whispered. Within the month we had been here, Neville had already become so much more confident.

"Hmm yeah, that is a bit suspicious. What should we do?" I bit my lip at Daphne's question.

"Well we should obviously watch him, but if we could ask the older years why he's like... that, then it might help us find out what's going on."

"Ok good idea Hades. Daphne and I can ask the prefects, Neville can ask Susan and Hannah and others in our year, and Hades can ask Fred and George Weasley as well as seeing what's up with Professors Lupin and Black."

We all nodded and went our separate ways as the bell rang.

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