▶It's not the end?

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"Yes nami sweet?"

"Where's zoro he has to put away his laundry, i have other things to do" she said

"That damn Marimo should have been doing this! when i see him i'll kick him to-"

"Sanji do you mind taking this to his room? I have to go stock up on some more stuff for my maps at the store, everyone else has already left on exploring the island."

"Yes nami i wouldn't mind at all i'm done with all my shopping" his eye heart-shaped as nami handed him the basket an walked off to shore an soon after disappears from sight.

That damn green, brainless, walking, talking, directionless, always-somehow-manages-to-skip-#'s-while lifting weights asshole. He should be doing this!

As sanji looked at the door to zoros room he couldn't help but let out a loud chuckle which happened everytime he was to pass by. Sanji & zoro had got into an argument about something foolish that day.


It resulted into sanji; paintings zoro's room door green with a deep scowl pone it's face a cute dark green eye with a slit down it's left one. Matching zoros perfectly as he looked at the door, than at the cook. An read the bottom signature in a darker green on his door.

From: You're favorite cook

To: Sorry excuse of a swordsman ;) aka Marimo

They fought for two hours straight because of that, ending with a scolding from nami about the noise bothering her while she was sunbathing & frankie for being careless to the ship an zoro promising to get sanji back for that.


Sanji finally opened the door to Marimo's room, still laughing at the memory.

Walking into Marimo's room was as one would expect Messy, Disoriented, dumbbells everywhere & My favorite utter disaster. Seriously he must lift while sleeping? I honestly wouldn't be the slightest surprised if so.

Sitting the laundry on his bed i started to fold them one by one stacking them on the bed so i don't have to move back an forth.

Nami-chwan will be pleased that i took my precious time folding them as she does to robin-chwan & her's.

Sanji sighed just the mere thought of seeing his beautiful nami happy with his caring attitude towards his unorganized, greenery nakama. After finishing folding an storing his clothes in there properly suited places i decided to clean his room up a bit.


"Zoro? What are you doing here i thought you were getting some supplies for you'r swords?" Usopp asked cocking a brow at the swordsman walking out of a bar.

"I was but everyone i asked for directions don't know what they're talking about, you'd think since they live on this island they would be able to give simple directions!"

'You'd think after two years he would at least learned how to not get so lost!' Usopp rolled his eye's then narrowed his eye's at the idiotic swordsman trying not to hit him across the head for getting himself lost & blaming others.

"Ehh!" Zoro's body shook.

"Huh? What's wrong zoro?" Usopp asked.

"Nothing, just a shiver went up my spine"

"O-kay? I'll see ya back at the ship i have a couple more things to find" usopp said about to walk off before turning around to the swordsman once more.

"An zoro, the ship is straight ahead an then turn-you know what i'll just walk you there" he said as he could tell by zoros expression he wouldn't make it ten feet by himself.

Zoro scowled but none the less followed the sniper toward the docks muttering things not understandable to usopp & scowling again.

At that usopp laughed heartily. in return zoro sent him a dumbfounded look which caused him to laugh just a bit more.

"What's so funny?"

"N-nothing much it's just....ahahaha.....you look j-just like the door" usopp then grabbed his sides walking past tree's trying to catch his breath.

It took a minute for the information to register in an he scowled again unconsciously which caused yet another fit of laughter.

"Oh shut up, usopp!"

Usopp waved his hand back an forth dismissively but still smiling.

After that they continued walking with ease until zoro almost got lost when usopp stopped to look at something that intrigued him to stare for a minute or so but then everything went smoothly an the sunny came into view.

"Ok zoro don't get lost to the sunny" he said mockingly, patting zoros back grinning from ear to ear, before zoro could send in his reply the sniper was already zooming down the path they'd just come.

Rolling his eye zoro climbed onto the ship landing with a soft thud, another shiver running up his spine.

Why am i shivering?

He made his way up the ships stairs to the kitchen looking for more booze when he quickly un-sheathed his sword fast enough to block the bottom of a shoe that with out any doubt, have sent him flying into a tree with enough force to maybe break him an it in half.

Zoro smiled devilishly.





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