Hey Peter. Y/n said. What as he pulled a dick out of his ass and ate it. Have you ever had wine y/n said. No but have you tried that glass duck that has a hamburger in it.hey I'm going to my dads dick okay.... ok Peter said as he licked the pumpkin that came out of the toaster...... hey dad y/n said... what Tony said as he is trying to hide all of the dick covered ducks...... can I give Peter wine.... showdow he is fifteen... so showdow said as she dipped her boob in ketchup.... hey I'm calling sarondickity to come over to fuck my youngest pubic hair.... ok don't be naughty naughty naughty Tony said as he went to hide all of the wine
Hey Peter.... what showdow Peter said as he fills his freind whiteboards dick up with sunflower seeds.... can I please fuck you're tiny uterus...... showdow are you dumb..... I am a guy I got my uterus removed last year duhhhhhh..!!!!