The Hot Guy next door

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It was a Saturday afternoon. The sky was a bright orange color. The telephone lines in the neighborhood stood tall. The birds were chirping and there were people out on walks.

Daron grabbed his purse as he was heading outside. He was wearing low rise jeans with a white belt around his hips. He wore a pink tank top to go along.
His big brown eyes squinted at the cause of the sun. He had some makeup on, his eyeliner popped out the most. He had short brown hair. His hair shaved on the sides.
He got his key and locked the door. As he made his way down the cement pathway of his house a man came out with trash bags.
"You must be the new neighbor!," Serj exclaimed as he opened the trash can and threw in a big black trash bag inside.
Daron stopped walking and turned his head to the man over on the other side of the short wooden fence.
"Yeah I just moved in here," Daron said as his lips curled into a smile. Daron had to slightly yell in order for his neighbor to hear.
"My name is Serj," Serj said as he waved.
Serj was wearing jeans and a white t-shirt with a rainbow apple logo on it. The words 'Macintosh' was written below the logo.
"My name is Daron," Daron said as he had one of his hands in his pockets. The other hand holding onto his pink plastic and fuzzy purse. Daron walked on the grass of his front yard. Daron wanted to get a better view of his neighbor.
Daron was now standing in front of Serj. There was a big height difference between them. Serj was taller than Daron. Daron always felt so short but now he could really see it.
"I'd shake your hand but I just touched a trash bag," Serj chuckled.
"I can always shake your hand another time," Daron giggled as he flicked his hand in a cute way.
Serj couldn't help but notice his outfit. It was very...scandalous. Sexy. He also had these big brown eyes, wow. He was like a sexy teen right out of a high school movie.
They looked at each other for a while. In complete silence. Daron's eyes trailed Serj's perfect, pointy nose, to his facial hair and down to his shirt. Daron was going to ask him about his colorful apple t-shirt but remembered he had somewhere to be.
"It was nice meeting you, I have to go to work now," Daron said as he pointed to his red convertible.
"It was nice meeting you too," Serj said. "Have a good day," he waved.
"You too," Daron replied.
Wow...he'! - Daron thought as he walked away. He squealed internally.
Daron sat in his car for a while, biting his nail on his pinky finger.
"I think I just made my first friend," Daron sighed happily. He turned on the ignition to his car and drove away.

Daron's bedroom was being painted today. A pinkish orange color.
He sat on the front steps of his house eating breakfast. Oatmeal and toast.
He was wearing a black Motörhead t-shirt and flared jeans. He wore some black bunny slippers on his feet.
He was reading a metal magazine and listening to music on his iPod. He was listening to Living Dead Girl by Rob Zombie. He loved Rob Zombie's songs and how sexy the songs were.
He calmly head-banged to the music as he took a bite of his toast. He put the magazine down as he finished his oatmeal.
"Everybody's fuckin in a ufo!," he whisper sang to himself.

Daron had made plans with a friend, Valentina. Valentina was Daron's best friend. They met at work and Valentina was always supportive of Daron. They've known each other for a few years and have done almost everything together. They'd spend time shopping, going out on trips, hiking and a whole list of adventures.

"I can't thank you enough for helping me with the movers the other day," Daron said to Valentina. She was wearing a pink sundress and had brown sandals on her feet. Her blonde long hair rested on her shoulders as the rest of her hair was behind her.
They were sitting on Daron's dark brown couch in the living room. There were still boxes around the house and other small furniture laying around.
"Don't mention it. It was fun seeing everything go into place," Valentina said as she took a sip from her margarita.
"I really like how this house is turning up so far," Daron said with a smile on his face.
"It looks like life is treating you good. Did you find anything new in this neighborhood? Meet anyone new?," Valentina asked as she placed her drink on the wooden/glass coffee table.
"I um, yeah I met this one guy-," Daron said looking down at his jeans with a shy smile on his face.
"Oh my god! Tell me more!," Valentina exclaimed excitedly.
"Ok, ok!," Daron said settling her down.
"His name is Serj and he lives right next door," Daron said as he pointed behind Valentina.
"Oh c'mon what does he look like!," Valentina said playfully shaking Daron.
"Well, he has these sideburns..., a goatee," he said as he traced his finger around where Serj had his beard.
"He has this short curly dark brown hair, he has hairy arms," Daron said as he put his finger on his lip trying to remember his features.
"Ooo," Valentina cooed.
"He's an average weight...and he's tall!," Daron exclaimed snapping his fingers at that one big detail.
"Oh he sounds like a dreamboat," Valentina sighed.
"Yeah he's pretty hot," Daron giggled.
That's when Daron heard a car door close. Valentina noticed Daron react to it, she raised an eyebrow. She got on the couch and looked out the window, moving the curtains just enough to see outside. Daron was confused as to what she was doing.
"Oh my god is that him?!," she said as she looked outside.
"Lemme see," Daron said as he got on the couch and moved the curtains a bit. It was Serj alright but he was with two other guys. One guy had a long beard and the other guy had a stern serious face. They wore casual clothes and they were walking to Serj's house.
"Damn you're lucky," she said as she sat back down on the couch.
"You're like a guy magnet!," she exclaimed as she bent down to get her drink.
They both laughed at such comment.

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