Egg Hunt Celebration

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The Easter celebration in town was always a fun deviation from the regular day to day schedule of Pelican town. Everyone met up in the town square to eat and be with each other and hunt for eggs that have been hidden. It was something that the children have always adored, but the adults of the town appreciated the break and occasion just as much.

I smiled in the sunlight as Mayor Lewis gathered everyone's attention to announce the kickoff to the egg hunt. Soon everyone who was participating was off, and we watched as they all began searching excitedly.

"So dear," my wife Leah said next to me. "How are the crops looking?"

Leah is my closest friend, and the person I love the most in this town. In the world. She was here before I moved and she was always friendly and kind to me before we really knew each other. It's hard to pinpoint what I love about her the most, but I think it has to be something to do with her creative spirit. Leah is an artist, she even gave me one of her sculptures. She's passionate and sweet and so content with herself. She loves herself and the people around her so much, it enticed me to do the same.

I proposed to her as soon as I could, and was beyond ecstatic when she said yes.

I took Leah's hand and smiled at her. "Oh, the usual. Things are going well, but nothing will be ready to harvest for a while now. How is your art coming?"

"Really well! I've been thinking of adding more elements to my sculptures, try to bring more emotion and life to them." She blushed and moved in closer to me. "It's hard not to be so fortunate in my art with so much...inspiration around me."

I pulled her in even closer for a kiss, a way to tell her all the love I felt for her in a way words cannot.

"I'm glad." I said as we parted. Our faces were close and I gazed into her brown eyes. It felt like home and cozy blankets. Like pets and homemade meals and laughter. And love.

It was always so easy to feel the love when I was with Leah.

She looked away with a smile and went back to watching the egg hunt. Our hands were still intertwined and we greeted our friends as they walked past.

"Do you ever think about having children?" Leah asked, turning towards me. She didn't say it very suddenly, but it quickly shifted the focus of our conversation.

"Children?" I asked, looking at the two kids in town as they searched for eggs. "I...don't know really. I hadn't thought much about things like that before I moved here. How about you?"

"Oh, I don't know." Leah told me. "I always thought children were fun and something that could light up anyone's day. I know the responsibilities that come with it, but I think it would be worth it. I think being a mother would be pretty wondrous."

We both thought on it for a moment. Having children of our own...what an adventure that would be. I knew there was no one else I'd want to take on that adventure with me, I knew Leah would be up to it. But would I?

A couple of kids to call my own. I've never considered it before, but I think I could do that. I think the love Leah and I share could be given to another. I think that is something we could achieve.

"So..." I said, bringing a hand to the back of my neck. "Is this your way of asking about it or..."

"I just wanted to see what you thought of it." Leah responded, reaching for both of my hands now. "This isn't something we have to do if we don't want. It's just something I wanted to say. We don't have to decide anything, I just thought we could think about it. You know?"

"I do, I get it. And my answer is yes. Yes, we could do that. Yes, I do want kids with you." I said and we both broke out into smiles.

I wanted to say more to her and get all my thoughts out. I wanted to explain exactly what I meant and how we could possibly try all of that. But I realized as we held our hands close and looked into each other's joyous eyes that I don't need to say anything. Leah knows me and she understands me.

She knows me the same way I know myself.

We turned our attention back to the egg hunt just as Mayor Lewis named the winner, and our minds were running free with all the thought of what future egg hunts would look like for us.

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