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Today Yash had to meet Aarna for the thanking event of Beat providation

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Today Yash had to meet Aarna for the thanking event of Beat providation. Aarna is an extremely talented and jolly girl, anyone seeing her at first can fall for her. What? I didn't fell for her. Or, did I? Ah. No Ajey. Beta, stop overthinking. Yes. Good boy. It's really fun complimenting yourself, isn't it?

“Bro why the hell are you dressing up so much? You didn't even did anything.” Yash said while setting his clothes in front of the mirror and making random faces to observe each and every angle of his face.

“Fuddy non of your business. Girls die on me, so, I do have the privilege to do so.” I said while taking the comb from his hand and combing my hair like a hero, pretending I was savage to his reply and he is dumped. XD

“That's OK, but what is Fuddy?”

“Your new name bro. Although, you are a fuddy, aren't you?” I said while running from there, only to bump in mom.

“Oho! You both idiots. Last time also I told you both not to fight like dogs and cats and your dad was lip syncing me. I wish I had a daughter who would have been on my side.” Mom said while her face covered a frown and I gestured Yash to team up with me, and make her smile.

“Yes mom. You are correct. I have also evolved with this Yash the dog- sorry, with this Yash the so called Brother. I'm also wishing to have a sister. Ek kaam karo mummy, Yash ki shaadi kara do.

“Ok, but, what is the advantage of me, being married?” Yash asked in a momentary bravado and mom and I chuckled.

“Mumma you also? This is not fair.” Yash said while making a puppy face, and I forwarded towards his ear and he smiled but, I said-

“Yes bro, it is fair. You are adopted na.” And after saying this, I regretted that why I did that, because he straightly punched me in my stomach, and mom, on the other hand, twisted his ear and scolded him. I was happy that he got scolded. XD

Now we reached to the venue. One can easily identify that it was the house of Aarna.

The place was decorated beautifully. The fairy lights, the flowers and that aroma of lavender. It gave “HEAVEN VIBES”

* * *

I was just lighting up the candles when I saw Yash and Ajey entering the house with a box in their hand

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I was just lighting up the candles when I saw Yash and Ajey entering the house with a box in their hand.
I guessed that it was probably a gift. Their steps started coming closer to me.

“Hello Yash! Hello Ajey. Nice seeing you both.” I greeted with the joll I had in me and also, not forgetting the merry smile.

“Hello Aarna. That was fun creating beats for you.” Yash said while handing me over the box.

“Yash this was purely not needed.” I said and his Lips curved in a smile with the words-

“Accept this as a gift by a dear friend.

His words touched deep and I was not able to say ‘No’ to sucha hearty gift.

I sat down and served food to them and we enjoyed for a while. Yash got a call.

“Hm. Oh really? When did this happened? You should've told me before. OK I'm coming.” He spoke from the side of the phone.

“Ajey, Aarna, I really have to go. Sorry for being clumsy and leaving in between. I know its bad but it's urgent.”

“No problem Yash. It's seeming important. You can go.” I said and he made his way outta house, while Ajey and I were in the living room, chit chatting on random topics.

* * *

I was casually chit chatting with her on random topics when I noticed her ring finger. A Ring.

“Um.... Aarna, do you live with someone? There's a ring in your hand.” Idk how but I got the guts to ask her this question.

“Uhm. This was. I-I. This.. Ye-”

“Arey no problem. I asked aise hi. Well, now it's my time to go. Nice meeting you. Bye.” I said and exited, receiving a warm exit as well.

She's really nice. There was a ring in her hand and obviously, it is seeming that yes, she is in a relationship with someone. Few!! Stop thinking about her, Ajey.

Coming to THE PARKING LORD of her area, I realized that I forgot my phone at her place. I went back, just to see her doing.......

* * *

Hey peeps.
How was this?
What Ajey must have saw which made him go like 😲
Lemme know in the comments down below.
Also guys, please follow.


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