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A/n hey party ppl.. The outfits above are what they are were ing on the plane I forgot to put them up there last chapter. And 3k reads!! Please vote and comment.

Niall's POV

Kylie and Cam were botched passed out in the seats next to me. I looked over to see. Hole asleep on Harry's shoulder and Sophia and Liam passed out next to them. I looked back to see my whole row of friends asleep. I sighed and turned back to look at Cameron. I love this little guy. I'm glad Kylie gets to be with him and raise him. It's good for both of the. To be together, I'm sure her mum would be proud. I grabbed my phone and turned it on getting on twitter looking through my feed. Most of the tweets were about the fight taking place this weekend. That's when I started to think about Jason, the fan who wrote us letters. We gave the other letters to the rest of the boys and they had the same reaction. I wondered if he could fly to New York to watch the fight. I decided to text Simon.

To simon
Hey? Is there any possible way you could plan a way for a fan to get flown over to New York to watch a fight. His name is Jason dean and he has leukemia. I was just wondering if we could. Let me know .

I sent it and got back on twitter. That's when a tweet caught my eye. 'Niall and Kylie seen with a baby is this their son?' There was a picture of me Kylie and cam walking Into the airport this morning. I just chuckled lightly to myself and commented under the tweet.

'Not our son her brother who is living with us for a while'. I know doing that she would freak out but I wanted to set the record straight. I saw movement coming from beside me. I looked down to see Cam stirring in his seat. Soon his eyes opened and he looked at me. Instead of crying he reached out for me to pick him up. I undid his seat belt and mine and pulled him to my lap then re did my seatbelt so it went across his back. He just rested his. Hubby cheek against my chest and bunched my shirt in his hands. He sat there for a while trying to wake up. On e he was fully awake he looked up at me and started talking some jibber.

"Wanna watch a movie bud" I asked him.

"Mobie mobie" he said not being able to say v. I smiled and turned him around still in the seat belt. I plugged two sets of headphones into the the tv on the seat in front of me. I gave Cam the ones that are like studio headphones and I had the ones you put in your ears. I looked through all the movies and found one I thought we could both watch. The movie was called, " despicable me 2" I turned it on and we watched the movie together.

Kylie's POV.

I woke up to the sound of rain and laughter. I looked out the plane window to see it raining and thundering. I looked next to me to see Cam not in his seat but in Niall's and both of them watching a movie. Awe. I sat up slowly stretching my back. I looked over at my boys again and this time Niall looked back at me. I smiled and he smiled back sliding his headphones off.

"Morning sleeping beauty" he said.

"Haha morning" I said back. I looked at my phone to see we were only two hours I to this 8 hour plane ride. I sighed and led my head fall back.

"Hello ladies and gentle men we will be serving food and beverages here shortly." The pilot came over the intercom. Soon the flight attendants were coming around with carts stacked with stuff. I reached down in the bag we for cam and pulled out his apples. They were brown and squishy. Ew. When she came to our row Niall took off his headphones.

"Hello sir can I get you anything" she asked him politely. He looked at me.

"Can I have a coke and crisps and do you have anything small for him?" I asked pointing to cam. She looked through her cart and pulled out something.

"We have pretzels apples oranges and grapes." She smiled back at me.

"Can I have pretzels and apples please" I said to her. She handed us everything I asked for and looked to Niall.

"I'll just have what she got thank you " he said. He pulled down his table tray and set everything down as well did I. Cam picked at his food while he was mesmerized by the little yellow minions on the screen.

"When we get to New York the boys and I were all going to take you girls out to dinner." Ail suddenly spoke. I looked at him with a uh no face.

"Not right when we get there just a couple days after" he said.

"Oh ok" I smiled at him. After another hour of flying I was starting to get bored. I grabbed my headphones out of the bag and turned a movie on. I decided to watch Divergent which is one of my favorite movies. I sat back and relaxed while the movie started.

Niall's POV

Cam stirred in my lap getting tired of sitting down. We need to change. his diaper too. I tapped Kylie telling her I'm gonna take him to the bathroom. She nodded and handed me the bag. I undid my seat belt and stood I set cam on the ground in front of me and let him walk a little bit. When we got to the bathroom I swooped him up and went inside going over to the changing table. I ch aged his diaper rather quickly and gave him my phone so I could wee. Giving him my phone was a good distraction. Once I did my business I washed my hands and picked him back up only to set him down and let him walk back to Kylie. When we got back to our seat I decided to let him play with toys in his seat while I watched a movie suited for my age. I put the arm rest down and put him so he was leaning against it and the seat then buckled him in. I grabbed his bag and placed some toys in front of him. He squealed and started playing with them. I grabbed my head phons and put in the movie Skyfall.

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