ed's diarrhea problems :(

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as soon as ed thrusted his weiner in your vagina, explosive diarrhea came out of the his asshole.

this has happened many times before, that's why ed wears a diaper.

but when he wants to perform in sexual intercourse with you he has to take it off :(

when his diarrhea came out you said "ed i'll get the vibrator to clean you up"

"fank yew" he said while tasting the diarrhea. today the diarrhea tasted like deviled eggs!

you cleaned up his diarrhea and got hungry while doing it so you tasted some as well!

"YUM!" you yell

ed then gets a little turned on by you trying his shit so he asks "wanna go for another round babygorl"

"ofc eddy" you say

but he wanted to try something different. "can i shit in your cooch?" he asks

"ofc!" you say ecstatically

he lines his asshole up to your pussy and diarrhea pours out of it.

he then eats you out!




hope you enjoyed

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