Here comes help

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" helicopter crash, sharks, vampire bats, ten-legged monsters, tornados, rain, spiders, and crabs,!" Recited Roger, " how could it get worse? "That's how" Said Sam, pointing to the sea draining back. "How is that bad?" Asked Roger,
curiously. " Ever heard of a tsunami, Roger?" "Yup."Said Roger " And have you ever heard of how there formed?" Of course not! Who do think I am, Einstein?" " Nope and we should get a move on because ones about to strike, and I want no question's, mr. Curiosity." Said Sam, firmly. "Curiosity?"  Burbled Roger as he ran for his life. "Where are we heading?, Sam" Said Mr curiosity. I mean Roger. " That mountain there should do it. Fwoosh, went the water as the tsunami rushed towards them at lightning speed. Oh and Sam passed out again. "This  is bad, very very bad!" Said Roger as he picked up Sam and ran toward the mountain. Spoosh went the water as it filled the island. "Gaaaaaahhhh!" Screamed Roger as the water filled his pants. Suddenly, there was a 'chopper chopper chopper chopper' overhead of Sam and Roger. Then, Roger had an idea. After three minutes of screaming, HELP Dammit!, Sam and Roger were travelling safely home, the helicopter drivers had woken up Sam, and they were very, very WET.

the end

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2021 ⏰

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