Chapter 2

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James and Sirius snickered as they went to take their seats. Remus and Peter sat at the desk next to them, Remus' face was laced with concern as he watched his best mates eyeing the lanky haired slytherin that was a few seats away from them.

Remus would have have to admit it, it was pretty low of them to have done that to snape, even though he had nothing to do with what happend that night he still felt extremely guilty.

It was his recorder after all, but how could he had known that Sirius would've taken it behind his back and use it to humiliate snape?

He sighed and rubbed his palm against his head, it was tiring to think about things like this, wallowing in his own guilt would get him no where, right now he should be focusing on class.

Without another thought Remus placed all his attention on Professor Slughorn, taking down notes he would need for their upcoming Potion on Wednesday.

On the left side of Remus were his three best friends, Peter who was writing off notes from remus when he wasn't looking, and James and Sirius who seemed to be extremely bored, not bothering to listen to Professor Slughorn drone on and on about always using the proper ingredients and so on.

When Slughorn turned to write something on the board, the more troublesome of the four Marauders started to converse.

"Hey Prongs, I'm certain there's no competition with Evans, snape's been avoiding her like the plague ever since Friday"- Sirius.

"Ha! It's not as if he were much competition anyway, the slimy git's a coward and wouldn't need a costume to dress up as a monster on Halloween, he's already quite hideous"- James.

They both snickered at the accuracy of the insult James responded with, however they quickly pretended to be listening to the lecture Professor Slughorn was dictating when they made eye contact with him from across the classroom, both of them could practically Hear the potions Proffessor scolding them about paying attention in class with just the look he was giving them.

The lecture went on for another hour until the students were dismissed for end of class.

Severus' POV

Severus snape became one with the shadows when he casted a very strong disillusionment charm on his body. Earlier he found he wouldn't be able to sleep until he had something to snack on.

Not attending to dinner was a bad idea after all.. he thought to himself.

He snuck into the kitchens where he bumped into several elves still cleaning up, and preparing other dishes.

"Master Severus! Taffy and others are very pleased to see you!"

Out of nowhere stood an ordinary elf smiling up at him.

"Hello Taffy"

"What would Master Severus be looking for tonight?"

The elves were very familiar with Severus being down in the kitchens late at night, normally his excuse would be a teacher wanted help with something so he couldn't stay for dinner, they accpeted this but soon got used to the slytherin visiting them, he was very nice when talking to them unlike they're other visitors.

"A jelly sandwich would please and thanks"

Taffy nodded and disappeared, but she was back within a second with a sandwich on a plate in her tiny hands. Severus took it from her just in time for his stomach to rumble.

After taking a seat, Severus nibbled on his sandwich. During his snacking he thought about nothing but his past, what his life has come to.

Living his crappy life was pretty hard, he's a loner, someone who found it hard to socialize with other people. He's a slytherin, a house which is considered to be evil, no matter who was sorted in that house, it didn't matter if they were a genuinely good person. As long as slytherin was the house you were sorted into, your bound to become The dark lords pawn, a dark, slimey evil wizard or witch. And to top it all off he was incredible ugly, his skin was deathly pale which was rather normal for him, his teeth were yellow and crooked, and for Merlin's Sake don't get me started on that horrid hooked nose of his that was shaped like the beak of an hawk.

Severus watched as he slowly placed his hand on his nose, severus despised the people that said that your nose and ears were the only body parts on his head that would not stop growing. Because unfortunately for him his nose was growing at a faster pace than anyone else he knew.

With one last bite and a sip of pumpkin juice from his goblet, he said fair well to all of the elves that were currently in his eyesight and made his way back to the slytherin common rooms.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2021 ⏰

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