Welcome to the theater/Born A Torreto

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Tony Torreto opened up his eyes. He was laying on a soft cot with a crumpled paper ball in his mouth. "Eww! Was I eating paper in my sleep again" Tony said. Then he saw Layla Gray fully awake and full of energy holding a clipboard behind her. Little did he know that 9 carefully crumpled balls of paper were stored behind her, and she groaned as she saw dang old Torreto had woken up. She wanted to throw more paper and watch him drool. "Layla, what are you doing here?" Tony asked. "I don't know, Torreto. You were at the after party and then bang you got hit with a frying pan. Then I did too! All I know is that if we make it out of this place alive I'm gonna kill you myself because you're probably the reason we got into this mess" Just then Echo booted Layla's rear end. Maybe because she was being mean to Tony or maybe she just felt like it. Echo was cool that way. Echo secretly thought that she might make a good leader of the team- as she didn't just drive through things, drive at things, drive over things and drive out of things unlike Tony. Besides for some reason, she liked putting up a fight with Layla. Not because she was the enemy, SH1FT3R, but because she was also a strong woman. Besides, it got boring with a whole lot of boys as her crew. Meanwhile Cisco Rendalo was sleeping and having dreams about eating nachos topped with a bacon sundae. He muttered chewing sounds in his sleep. "That boy will eat anything" Tony said. "Even if it' s cheese, topped with dessert, topped with bacon" Echo said. Cisco was about to take a big bite of his nachos which was in reality, Tony's face. Layla burst out laughing like a complete idiot. "Uh..." Tony said. Just then Cisco woke up and said "Waaaaah! I was about to eat a big pile of nachos topped with a bacon sundae" "Yeah, we heard, foodie" Layla said. Frostee then rolled out from his chair and his screen started blipping as he fought zombie killers in his video game. "Oh, hey guys" he said. Then he saw Layla Gray and said "Layla Gray! I'm a huge fan!" And ran over and hugged her. Layla practically pushed him off with one well manicured hand. "Oh, uh sorry. I mean, hey, yeah" Frostee chuckled nervously and then started playing his zombie killer game again. The sounds of darts from his game awoke a angry looking Ms. Nowhere. She put her fists up, ready to battle somebody. "It's just zombie killer, here's video game. Pipe down, SWAT agent" Layla Gray told Ms. Nowhere. "Layla Gray, I have been waiting a long time to say this to you, You're under arrest!" Ms. Nowhere said. "Relax, I'm not off with SH1FT3R on a gig right now. I got hit with a frying pan and ended up in this theater place" "Ooh, Is it a classic movie?" Ms. Nowhere asked, intrigued. Then she looked towards her tech bodyguard and said "GARY!!!! WAKE UP YOU OVERSIZED IDIOT! WE'RE ABOUT TO WATCH A CLASSIC MOVIE!" Ms. Nowhere started hitting him on the head. "Ouch!" Gary said. He woke up, groggy. "I had a dream about a twerk team video happening with the agency again" "Don't you dare bring up Gary Gator again!" "Uh, yeah, like nobody does twerk team videos anymore. All the boys in them are totes adorable though" A voice said. "Who said that" Cisco asked. "Rafaela Moreno" Rafaela replied. "I am the patroness of the favelas in Rio. Never mess with the Morenos- HEY! You're the lady who was with Agent Medina when my Mama went to jail for tattooing the formula" "Wait, what are you guys talking about?" Tony asked. But Rafaela wasn't listening. "I vowed to hypnotize you into working for me so that my mommy and I could become Supervillians again!" Just then a voice on the giant theater screen said "Welcome! To the Fast & Furious Spy Racers marathon. My name is Sara and I will be showing you episodes of your future working on missions. I will have various people that you meet along the way join you over the episodes and seasons. The first two episodes have already happened. Please take your assigned seats. Snacks are on the counter over there, Yes Cisco, including Nachos. Now it's time to start the first episode, Born a Torreto!"

10 minutes later everyone is situated in their seats and they are ready to start the episode.

(Intro plays)

Man: Engine room clear. Deck clear. Uh, hold on. Someone's coming

(Engines reviving)

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