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Mature content ahead! Read at your own risk!

"How was it?" Tharn asked anxiously. He took Type's laptop bag from him just to keep his hands busy. 

Type frowned as if worried and Tharn opened his arms and prepared to comfort him. Type moved forward and glanced at him and then looked away. When he looked back and saw Tharn's expression was sufficiently worried he cracked a huge smile. 

He held onto Tharn's hands instead of stepping into his embrace. "It went great, worrywart. My new boss is serious, but fair, and everyone was really nice," Type elaborated. He wasn't used to speaking so much about work, but Tharn had been as anxious as a parent waiting for his kid's college acceptance letter. 

Tharn smiled at Type with happiness. His eyes sparkled and made Type's heart beat fast in his chest. His thumb stroked his wedding ring as if to remind himself it was there. "Ai Type, you scared me," Tharn said with a pout. 

Type pulled Tharn to the couch and they sat down. Tharn waggled his eyebrows at their hands still joined. "Can't bear to let go after just one day?"

Type snatched his hand back immediately. "Jerk," he snapped, but it had no bite. His cheeks held a rosy hue from embarrassment and it made Tharn chuckle out loud. 

Tharn reached out and squeezed his cheek and Type pulled away while sucking his teeth. "I told you not to squeeze my cheeks." 

Tharn smiled widely as he snuggled against Type's side, his chin on Type's shoulder. "I can't help it. You're so cute."

"Cute where?" Type groused. 

Tharn raised his chin and looked at Type closely. "No one flirted with you at your new job?"

Type smirked. "Of course. Your husband is super handsome, but I told them I'm taken. So relax," Type said while patting Tharn's chest comfortingly. 

Tharn held onto his hand and kissed his ring finger. The feeling of his lips on Type's skin still left searing heat behind as if they'd just met yesterday and hadn't touched yet. 

Tharn gave him a fierce look. "You'd better."

Type rolled his eyes as he pulled his hand away. "Says the man who gets hundreds of messages through IG." 

Tharn pulled Type forward into his arms. He nuzzled his nose lovingly. "Don't worry, they all know I have someone at home." It was true. Tharn's IG was full of their house, messages for Type, music he wrote for him, messages for him. His entire page was almost all about Type. The man was obsessed and Type secretly loved it. 

Type smiled shyly and Tharn's breath caught in his throat. He wished he didn't have to go through so many people to find the one. Everyone else paled in comparison to Type. No one else had him so obsessed he couldn't think about anything or anyone else all day. 

Tharn inhaled the breaths escaping from Type's lips slowly. Reveling in the smell and feel of his husband. "Come here," he whispered. He pulled Type to his feet and led him to the long hallway of their huge house. 

Type let himself be pulled throughout the house. Tharn's mood was infectious. "It's your fault our house is this huge."

Tharn smirked back at him as they reached the door of their bedroom. "How did you know I was thinking that?"

"Ha! After all these years, you don't think I know how you think?" Type asked with a smile. His elegant hands held onto Tharn's collar and then slid down his chest. 

Tharn held onto Type's hands against his chest as he walked backwards into their bedroom. He turned and then tumbled Type onto the bed. "It's because my sexy husband knows me too well." Before Type could protest, Tharn leaned down and softly pressed his lips to his. 

TharnType: 7 years of love ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now