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TW Mabye or maybe not idk

Nobody's POV
The three women walked into the doors thankfully nobody was in the main hall but they were approached by professor McGonagall
"Ah you three follow me the headmaster is waiting" all four walked up all the stairs and through all the halls to the headmasters office entrance Narcissa was the most nervous Bellatrix was sceptical and Hermione was cautious "welcome please sit" he pointed to some chairs he was about to speak but was cut off by Bellatrix "cut the shit Dumbledore you want us for some reason and make it quick I don't have all day" Dumbledore didn't even show and expression he just sighed " as I was about to say you three are under watch from the Ministry of magic and they have decided to keep you three here so we can keep an eye on you until the end of the year".

Hermione POV
Me and Bella were arguing with Dumbledore it was stupid I know but I can't believe that he would do this "enough this is for your own good your room is in the west part of the castle in the tallest tower now leave before I make you!" He boomed Bella was still furious and Narcissa was rather quiet and composed as normal. Once we found the tower which took a very long time we settled in our luggage already there probably set by the house elves Narcissa was muttering something that I couldn't make out it was kinda creepy "Cissy are you ok?" I reached out to touch her she slapped my hand away "hey what in Merlin was that?" She seemed scared and pale like more than normal Bella stepped in "Cissy dear what's wrong?" She bent down Narcissa flinched away in fear.

Narcissa POV
Oh Merlin how did they find me I thought they were dead Bella said they can't hurt us anymore mother and father were back and really mad I don't know what I did "Narcissa"
But it must have been "Narcissa" really but but they-"NARCISSA" I jumped they were gone they faded Hermione and Bella were back "hey hey it's ok we're here what happened?" Bella Hugged me I held on tight as to not lose her not again "I-I lost y-you and Hermione I-I was s-so scared" I stuttered I was probably pathetic looking right now acting like a child " Cissy we never left we were right her" Hermione explained what but I saw them they weren't there "what happened Cissy? you can tell us"
"In his office mother and father were there and I lost you I was scared I didn't see you two" Bella quickly Hugged me again and Hermione joined this time. "Cmon you can shower and rest me and Bella will do the same we've had a long day ok?" I nodded
Time skip brought by the useless lesbians
Bellatrix POV
We finally got Narcissa to sleep she kept saying that she wasn't tired but without all the makeup after the shower we could see the bags underneath her eyes. She was currently stealing Hermione's arm and holding it like a stuffed toy "do you think she ok now?" Hermione asked with concern all over her face "no I really don't think so she's never done something like this before I'm worried" I responded caressing her cheek she let go of Hermione's are and nuzzled my hand Mione chuckled "well she certainly is fine now" I smiled "cmon let's sleep I'm exhausted goodnight you two" Mione said while sighing "goodnight Mione" I said holding Narcissa.

Hey peoples I'm baaack I'm so sorry for the long wait I've been on holidays and I'm hella tired I hope you all enjoyed thi chapter

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