i. Pity Party

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In a dimly lit room, the air heavy with anticipation, a group of three sorcerers gathered around a large wooden table. In the center of the table lay a case file, filled with secrets, lies, and the truth waiting to be uncovered. Each person's eyes were fixed on the file, their curiosity palpable.

As they began to leaf through the pages, the room fell into a hushed silence. The weight of the information contained within the file seemed to hang in the air, casting a somber atmosphere over the room. The individuals, consumed by their own thoughts, were drawn deeper into the intricate web of the person's life story.

Page after page, they discovered the complexities of the individual's past, the choices they had made, and the consequences that followed. Emotions flitted across their faces – surprise, sympathy, and perhaps even judgment. Each revelation added another layer to the person's character, exposing vulnerabilities and hidden motivations.

But as they delved further, something unexpected happened. The faces around the table softened, and their initial preconceptions began to crumble. The black and white lines of right and wrong blurred, revealing the shades of gray that exist in every human tale. They realized that the person in question was not simply a sum of their actions, but a complex being shaped by circumstances and experiences.

With each passing page, the individuals' perspectives shifted. Empathy blossomed, as they recognized their own flaws and vulnerabilities reflected in the case file. Judgment gave way to understanding, and the desire to seek justice transformed into a yearning for redemption.

In that room, surrounded by the weight of someone's life laid bare on paper, a profound realization dawned upon each person. They understood that a case file is not just a collection of evidence, but a glimpse into the human condition. It revealed the fragility and resilience of the human spirit and reminded them of the power of compassion and forgiveness.

As they closed the case file, the individuals left the room forever changed. They carried with them a newfound understanding of the complexities of human nature and the importance of looking beyond the surface. The case file had not only exposed the truths of one person's life but had also revealed the truths within themselves.


A knock resounded through the empty room. A small murmur could be heard from the other side of the metal door, a signal of confirmation to enter.

The room was stale, the scent of antiseptic lingered in the air and the gentle hum of medical equipment created a tranquil atmosphere. The lighting was subdued, casting a light glow on the girl that laid motionless on the hospital bed.

"Did you need something?" A woman stated, her head turning over her shoulder as her body followed. The chair she sat in created a small disturbance in the tranquility as the wheels grates against the tile flooring.

"Just came to check up on her. How is she, Shoko?"

Shoko sighed, her eyes casting towards the girl before she glanced right back up again. "Well... she's stable for now. It's a phenomenon that she even survived if I'm being honest, Gojo."

Gojo hummed,"How so?"

"She was malnourished, severely weak. Her body had little to no nutrients, so it's a mystery as to how she was able to exert enough power to slaughter an entire building of people." Shoko answered, her voice melancholic as she attempted to not think about what this poor girl had most likely gone through.

Shoko looked towards the girl. If it wasn't for the slight rise and fall of her chest, Shoko would've been convinced that she was dead.

"Gojo... Who is this girl?"

Gojo cleared his throat, readying himself to dump all the information he just found out on Shoko.

"Her name is Michiyo Seiichi. She comes from a clan that has stayed in power for centuries. Although it isn't considered to be apart of the big Three clans, this clan still is on par with them."

"Her Cursed Technique has been passed down for years on end, predecessor after predecessor. It's a strong power, I won't lie. However, it's a target for corruption and greed. I was lucky enough to get there before anyone else did."

"Therefore, I've talked with Yaga. He's agreed to let her stay here at Jujutsu Tech. We can't let her be out there with that amount of power without any protection... It's too dangerous." Gojo ended his statement, taking a deep breathe to recollect himself after he spilt all this information.

Shoko hummed in understanding. Although she didn't even know Michiyo, she still felt an empathetic feeling wash over her.

"As of now, her body is not fit to handle any Cursed Energy at all. It'll likely be fatal if she even used the tiniest bit." Shoko continued,"So when she wakes up, make sure to work on getting back her muscle before anything else."

Gojo nodded. Their words were left hanging in the air. Somberness hangs heavy in the room, casting a shadow of melancholy and introspection. It engulfs them, invoking a sense of empathy and solemnity.

It's a mood that lingers, allowing contemplation to take the the stage in Shoko and Gojo's brains.

&&&. Author's Notes!

1. a lil background ab the main character😋😋 how are u guys liking this so far?? i'm excited to write this and delve deeper into michiyo's past and cursed technique and all that. let's just hope this fic actually lasts before i forget ab it LOLL

2. do u guys prefer long chapters or short chapters😓 me personally writing short chapters is much for easier just bc of low attention span LMAO but i want ur guys opinions

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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