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You sit at the counter of the café you so dearly loved, your palms resting around a warm mug. The coffee was amazing, a small business that you could support, the barista wasn't intrusive, and the general atmosphere was stress free. It was a place of happiness and comfort for you. You were a daily customer, sometimes you'd stay for hours at a time. Ah, the carefree life of a teen.

It was only then that you notice a pianist would come in a couple times a week to perform that being at the Roost was stressful. Not because he was a troublesome guy, exactly the opposite. He gave off this charming essence that drew you in. It wasn't his appearance (though it might've help), it was how he played.

It was a song you've never heard before, a song that felt so unique. "Hey, Bartolo?" You receive a hum in response, "I'm curious about the pianist. What's the song that he always plays?"

"It's an original. He says he came up with it for the café." The barista simply states, his eyes shifting towards the teen who was calmly playing said song. The gleam of light that reflected off his tiny glasses made his expression unreadable to you.
"He's also a loyal customer."

You were surprised, you hadn't seen that often. It was possible that he came at different hours? "You seem very interested in him."

"I- I am not! I just don't see very many people who play piano here!" Your tone was very evidently defensive, giving off the opposite effect. The bad acting and lying skills really weren't helping you out.

Though Bartolo didn't pry. He already got his answer and that was you were very interested in the pianist with snowy white hair. But he didn't have enough care in the world to bother you further.

"Should I talk to him? No, I shouldn't... Should I?! Gaahhhhh!" You groan lowly as you tug at the roots of your hair out of frustration. Bartolo watches you as he dries the newly washed cups with a towel, raising an eyebrow as he grew amused at your current quandary.

You didn't want to be annoying or a bother, especially since the boy had an essence about him. You assumed it was the the slightly slicked back white hair, the very extravagant suit that looked like it was designer, and even just the way he played.

Just then, the music stops. You jolt up, whipping your head towards the direction of the piano. He was now stretching his arms and wrists, a tired groan leaving his lips. His fingers wrap around the leather straps of the cross body bag he had. It appeared he was leaving.
The bell of the shop rang, signaling that a new customer was coming in. A group of very well dressed men enter the café, all very tall and almost intimidating. You gulp at the sight of them as the four of them come flooding in.

"So this is where you play, huh Fugo? Pretty fancy." The one with a beanie says, his hands on his hips as he looks around. You assume that he was talking to the pianist, who had now joined the group. His eyes land on you momentarily, seeing your shocked face. "Hey there bud, something the matter?"

You sweat a little. His tone wasn't confrontational, but you were embarrassed to be caught staring. You turn away, mentally cursing at yourself. "Hey now, it's rude to ignore me-"

"Mista don't bother the poor customer." The previously named male, Fugo, says. You hadn't heard his voice before. It was what you imagined it to be. Delicate but strong at the same time. What a beautiful contrast, you thought.

A blur of black and orange scurries into your sight, hearing a small 'plop' in the seat next to you. You turn your head, seeing a short and excited teen that was practically squirming in his seat. "Bucciarati, can we pleaaasseee stay for coffee? It smells so good!" He turns around to beg to one of the members of the group. You glance at them from the corner of your eye to see which one he called out to.

"Well, I don't see why not. We're not in a hurry." The man in the white suit said with a smile before going over to sit down at the counter as well. There were other tables in the café, but the counter was big enough to have seven people sit at it.

"Didn't take you for a coffee drinker Narancia. Personally it gives me the-"

"Don't finish that sentence Mista, nobody wants to hear it." The one dressed in black says with an annoyed tone as he sits next to the one in white names Bucciarati. Mista, the beanie wearing one, only grumbles at this as he sits down as well. There left another seat right beside you.

Fugo only rolls his eyes at the group before deciding to sit down beside you. You gulp a little, looking up at Bartolo who was already taking the group's orders. You decide to take a sip of your own drink, shifting a little in your seat. You hadn't expected this. Normally you were social but being forced like this wasn't your idea. Plus you had developed a little bit of a crush on this guy.

"Hey uh..." You manage to mumble out, looking at the white haired male beside you. He hums, looking back at you as well. This causes your heart to beat against your chest, your eyes widen as your face flushes a light pink. His eyebrows raised in a questioning, yet friendly manner as he await your next words. There was no annoyance in his gaze, only curiosity.

Fugo has seen you around before, mostly in the café. But you're normally within the neighborhood as well and he often does venture around here as well. There was a library and museum near the café as well. It's where he took Narancia for studying and the museum for the history lessons.
But there are times where he did come by himself to enjoy the atmosphere. He'd see you in the library as well. Assuming you were still in school, he'd catch you studying. Most the time you had friends with you so you hadn't noticed him.

He took note that you were the cheerful and outgoing one in the group, getting scolded by the librarian for your loudness, which you would apologize profusely and sheepishly. Fugo would sometimes get annoyed at you. But his annoyance would quickly be shifted at Narancia for not paying attention to his lessons.

Other than that, he found you decent. He didn't dislike you nor did he like you due to the fact that he didn't know you. But currently, he was a little irritated with your silence.

"Is something wrong?"

"Uh... Er..."

"Well?" His irritation gradually started to show in his face and face, his eyebrows knitting together.

"I'm in love with your music."

Silence. The only thing that was heard was the coffee machine running as you felt five pairs of eyes on you now.

"Uh... What?"


1199 Words

Shorter first chapter today, I don't have much planned out and it was a cute idea I had while listening to yet another FuGio playlist :')

I'm just crushing on Fugo a lot, especially after PHF </3 so that's why I have fanfics of him coming out right now.

(The other book is supposed to be angsty but I'm not that good at writing angst so forgive me if the updates are slow on that one </3).

Also I'm sorry if you aren't a male or go by he/him pronouns, I don't think I'll plan on writing female reader insert, but most likely a gender neutral insert for something!

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