The Mirror

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3rd PROV

Limping as fast as they could down a side walk towards a an apartment complex was a young boy with Long silky hair that fell just above his knees.The boy looked as if he couldn't have been older then 13 at the most.And the boy was hoping to escape a fate worse then death


But fate did not like Cori so limping into his Aunt May's apartment which he shared with his uncle,Cori could only hope that Aunt Mei wasn't to angry.However he didn't notice his Aunt waiting for him by the door inside. Slamming the door as soon as Cori made it inside.Mei spun around and descended upon Cori like a typhoon.

"Where the HELL have you been you ugly child"

Startled Cori jumped,stepping back trembling he dared to look his Aunt in the eye.As quick as he looked he glanced back at the ground before his Aunt could notice,his Aunt did not like it when he looked her in the eye she thought he was trying to defy her,the punishment for daring to look his Aunt in the eyes would leave Cori bruised and battered for days,and often times unable to move.

Unfortunately his Aunt had noticed and it didn't make her happy


Cori  was sent onto the ground hitting his head on the floor.He screamed his poor heart out but he knew it was all for nothing.No one would help him no ever has and he doubted anyone ever would.

"What the Hell are looking at"

Before Cori could explain himself his Aunt kicked him in his stomach over an already healing cut.Seeing that Cori wasn't going to answer her,May began to do what she did when things didn't go her way. May began to yell,scream,and hit(Me:"Like an Overgrown child")

"It is so unfair that because of your parents decided to go and get themselves killed that WE'ER STUCK TAKING CARE OF THEIR STUPID,SLUTTY,UGLY,INBRED OF A FUCKING CHILD."

NO he wanted to scream.
He wasn't Stupid
He wasn't a Slut
He wasn't Ugly

But he couldn't he knew that it wouldn't help,defending himself would only make things worse and he wouldn't be able to take it.He already couldn't take their abuse as it was and between his aunt and the bullying at school he wouldn't be able to make through the years.The students and teachers mockery and aggression has happened for the less amount of time but after what Austin did....He couldn't take it anymore.

Soon enough his Aunt left but,Cori was so deep in his thoughts the he didn't notice his Uncle Shang until he stepped on Cori stomach on 'accident' .Eyes widening Cori let out an earth splitting streak


Seeming to finally notice his nephews prone form on the floor.Shang snorted and pressd down on his nephews stomach again which produced another heart wrenching scream from Cori.Shang pressed his heels into Cori's chest which reduced Cori into a sobbing mess.He scoffed at his nephews cries

"What are you screaming for"

But even as he said this he put preasure on Cori's chest.Cori couldn't scream anymore so he laid on the floor crying.Lifting his leg off of his nephews chest Shang walked away,to where Cori didn't care probably off to get drunk so Shang could have an excuse not to do anything.

Sitting up Cori tried to get up but his lungs were burning and he couldn't feel his chest,but after many unsuccessful tries Cori managed to get on his feet although he was unsteady. Limping out the door and far away from his Aunt and Uncles apartment.

⏱Time Skip⏱

Well at least he manged to make it a mile before he into trouble.He had nicks and cuts over his arms and legs and a few bruises and scrapes from when he fell.He could still hear the boys chasing him

"Get the Inbred"


Looking for a hiding spot

"Why are they chasing me I haven't done anything"

Ducking into an allyway,the boys ran right past Cori's hiding spot.However when he tried to leave his hiding spot he began to hear somone singing a very familiar tune

"Come little children"
"I'll take thee away"
"Into a land of enchnatment"
"Come little children"
"The times come to play"
"Here in my garden of shadows"

It reminded him of his mother's lullaby from when he was younger. Walking down the allyway he didnt notice the glowing lights

"Follow sweet children"
"I'll show thee the way"
"Through all the pain"
"And your Sorrows"

Turning left the lights had gotton nearly blindlingly bright but it still didnt affect Cori.

"Weep not poor children"
"For life is this way"
"Murdering beauty"
"And Passions"

Cori was standing infront of a dark colored mirror that glowed with bright light

"Hush now dear children""it must be this way""Too weary of life and deception""Rest now my children""For soon you'll away""into the calm and the quiet

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"Hush now dear children"
"it must be this way"
"Too weary of life and deception"
"Rest now my children"
"For soon you'll away"
"into the calm and the quiet

The mirror began to darken as the song neared it's end.

"Come Little children"
"I'll take thee away"
"Into a land if enchantment"
"Come little children"
"The Times come to play"
"Here in my garden of Shadows"

The mirror had darkened compltely and a dark hand appeared reaching out towards Cori.Trying to take a step back Cori found that his feet couldnt move.Then a voice began to call out

"Ah...My dear beloved"
"A lovely and noble flower of evil"
"Truly,You are the most beautiful of all"

Cori didn't like were this was going but he couldn't move.

"Mirror,mirror on the wall"
"Who is the..."

Cori's vision was beginning to become spotty and he could hear the sound of hooves and horse's.

"Those who are guided by the dark Mirror"
"As long as you heart desires,"
"Take the hand that appears in the mirror"

Gulping Cori couldn't decide if he wanted to take the hand in the mirror.But maybe this was his chance.His mother once told him that whenever an opportunity to be happy arises that he should alwaystake the chance.No matter the hardships that opportunity may bring and anything would be happier then living with his Aunt and Uncle and their abuse.Cori reached for the hand then everything went black.

"For me.For them.For you"
"We are all running out of time"
"No matter what"
"Never let go of my hand"

He awoke once more but this time to total darkness and a voice outside whatever he was in

Well that is the first chapter next is the prologue.If ya'll have any question just put them in the comments sections so I hoped you enjoyed

Bon Voyage

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