chapter 7

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 He was showing me the house when he cracked a lame joke, and I was laughing out loud. That's when Mr. Devil, with an angry look, walked towards us and said,"You may go now" to Luca. 

"Yes, boss," said Luca. I am all alone with the Devil himself. Someone, please save me.

Leo's POV:

When I entered the car, I saw Amelia crying, and it broke my heart to watch her like this. She does not deserve to be in this mess. But this is all because of her mother. If I show mercy towards her, then people will question my power, and I don't need that. After the car ride, we reached the mansion. 

In the car, she asked me if I was going to kill her. Did she think so little of me? I gave her no answer. I got out of the car, expecting her to do the same. But she didn't come out. I went to her and asked her to get down; she didn't come down. She is literally testing my patience. 

I grabbed her by the arm and dragged her down the road. I think I grabbed her a bit too harshly; she is hurt. I just left her there and went inside the house. I saw Luca there."Luca, Amelia is at the car." "Bring her in and show her the guest room."

"What's the matter, Mr. King?" he asked humorously.

"It's her mother; she needs to learn her place," I said. "Okay, is she staying here?" Luca asked very seriously. This is not the first time I've kidnapped someone. Usually, I send them to the warehouses. But I never bring anyone to my house. Only Luca, my mother, my sister, and myself live here. The security also consists of my most trusted men. So this place is completely personal. Even I don't know why I brought her here. I should have taken her to one of the warehouses. But I don't want to; I want her here.

It's reasonable of him to ask me that question with all that seriousness because, all my life, I have never cared about any outsider. I just care about my family, the mafia, and Luca. 

"Make her feel comfortable; she is going to be here for a while." "Okay, Leo." With that, Luca went outside to bring her in. Luca is always a flirt. He flirts with every girl he sees. All girls fall at his feet, but he never takes them seriously. I wish he would get a girl who is hard to catch. I went to my office and did my work. After a while, I just went out to check on Amelia. That's when I saw Amelia laughing at something Luca said. As much as I love her laugh, the fact that Luca made her laugh angered me. I stomped towards her, and I ordered Luca to go. That idiot whispered "jealous" in my ear. After Luca went, I showed Amelia her room. "All your clothes will be here in an hour," I said.When I was about to touch her, I saw that her hand was bruised. It was where I held her before. "Sit on the bed, your hand is bruised. I am going to bring you some ointment" . "It's fine; I am okay," said Amelia. "Just sit," I ordered her. 

She sat on the bed. I went out and bought ointment from the first-aid kit. I kneeled down and applied ointment to her. She seemed a bit shocked by my actions,but

A king only bows to his queen.

After that incident with Amelia, I went out of her room to let her take some rest. Even though I can't have her, I will enjoy the time I spend with her while she is here. I went near my mom, and I told her about Amelia. On our first meeting, I even told her that I had a soft spot for Amelia.

My mom asked me one thing, which is"Do you regret what you did these past few days?"I don't even regret the slightest bit of anything because all the incidents that have happened have revealed the new me. All that happened in the last few days is just a miracle. I thought that could never happen in my life.

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