Heat on a Summer Night

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(Misaki's POV)

"UGHHH," I complain loudly. "Nan de (why)?!! Why do I have to be stuck with you?!!" I point at Usui to my right. He takes no notice at my whining and continues attempting to sleep on this ridiculously scorching summer night.



"Ah! Welcome to Ocean House, my very own beach house!" Nagisa said cheerfully. Honoka, Erika, Subaru, Aoi-chan, Usui, and I were invited by Satsuki's younger sister to spend the summer with her at the beach. She led us inside and guided us to our rooms so we could unpack. My misfortune began.

"Shimatta (Crap)!" Apparently, Nagisa forgot how many rooms there were before inviting us. "Um... Haha... Guys, I'm not sure if this might be a problem, but there are only 3 rooms. Also, it's 3 people per room."

We looked at each other. Normally, this wouldn't have been a problem. I would've slept alone because I didn't mind and the others would've made groups of 3. However..this time we had Usui...

What happened next was a blur of events. Nagisa, Satsuki, and Aoi-chan huddled together and entered a room. That made sense though, they were all family. But then Honoka, Erika, and Subaru took another room without consulting me and all that was left was me...and Usui.


I go over my conversation with the girls in my head again. "Why couldn't we have talked this over?! I-I didn't want to sleep in the same room as Usui! I can't believe their logic! Oh ho ho, 'I'm the closest to him, it would be awkward with anyone else.' Although right now, that might not be my biggest concern.

"Hot! It's so hottttt. Sigh, what is with the heat? I can't sleeeeeep! It's too hottttttt!" I rant on and on and on, tossing and turning from side to side, occasionally accidentally bumping into Usui a little.

(10 minutes later)

"It's burning... I can feel the steam..." I over exaggerate, tiny melodramatic tears falling out of my eyes. "Ugh! It's. So. Hot!"

In a swift movement, Usui turns his body around, grabs my hands, pins them above my head, and holds his position on top of me. I look up at his face.

"Kaichou (prez)..." He whispers in my ear. "If you don't stop going on about how hot it is, I'm going to give you a reason to feel hot."

My eyes widen and my face turns a bright red. Turning away my head I say, "S-Shut up, Usui. Don't say things like that, you perverted outer-space alien."

"Oh but Misa-chan, you're not pushing me away," he replies with a smirk on his face. "Why not?"

"W-WHAT?" I scream at him. My hands fight against him, but it's no use. Usui's grip is strong. "Let go of me!"

"Shhh, do you want the others to hear?" I immediately stop. Mentally slapping myself, I keep my volume down. His face draws closer. Cringing a bit, I shut my eyes because it's my natural reaction to this. But Usui's lips touch mine and I think,"Wow... They're soft...".

His free hand cups the the side of my face gently. I'm surprised that it wasn't harsh. Unconsciously, I raise my head slightly when I feel him pulling away.

"Oh," Usui exclaims. "Do you want more?" He raises one eyebrow in a seductive way.

"Tch," I respond as hardly as I can. I don't say "yes, I do", but I don't make it clear with a "no" either. I stay silent and avoid his gaze for the time being.

Maid-Sama, even on a hot summer night, with Usui!Where stories live. Discover now