What will I do now?

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I write this in my fortress. Though I am still achieving his goals, I have new ones now. I've dwelled on the past for so long, but I've decided. I've decided to focus on the future, as I cannot remember the past. The earliest memory I have was the falling. Falling... into the abyss.

       I have created my war machine. A giant tank made of almost impenetrable material. As a touch of myself I've added it to use incendiary shells for its cannons. It has anti air, machine gun turrets, automatic may I add. It took so long to make, I though I would never finish.

I don't know if he gave me the intelligence I have, or if I had it all before. I do know about the fire he gave me now. The power to make anything combust into flames, at any distance. I can also control fire, make it move, put it out if I ever wanted to. It's great. He also gave me the power to travers the shadows. Though I have told no one of such powers. And I shall not describe them to you. I like a few of the agents. Dislike a few others. But, I like it here. And I intend to stay.

Agent ArsonWhere stories live. Discover now