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"You've got to help me," I pleaded, and my eyes locked with her for once, ever so slowly. "I need to know, I've been going crazy. Hell, my parents think I really am!" I raised my voice a few octaves.

She looked queasy, like she was filled and needed to barf. I bet she was filled, with information and guilt. So much guilt. "You don't understand." She fidgeted with her shirt.


"Keep your voice down. We don't need staff coming in here." She commanded, and suddenly stood up, walking toward the window.

I couldn't look at her, I just couldn't. How can she not tell me? I bet keeping such things to herself is killing her as much as I'm dying to find it out. I needed for her to speak. Now. I stood up casually and made my way upto her, tapping on her shoulder. I took a bill from my pocket and slipped it to her over her shoulder.

"Please?" I said, sounding desperate, but smirking to myself. She looked up at me, and I gazed back innocently.

"Alright." She caved. I knew money would make her talk, it's probably what shut her up.

She sat down and made a gesture for me to. She took her diary from the table in front of her and looked at it for a while, after finally looking up. "She was a sweet g-" She started, but I immediately cut her off.

"Is. She is sweet." I don't need any more of that, I knew she's breathing as we speak.

"Look, I kept a register for every patient I have ever had. But her, she was something different. I kept a diary," She looked down at the book in her lap. "I wrote in it after every session. She was tough to figure out, she'd act so innocent, she was normal to me. Until her parents started showing me videos and voice recordings of her acting out." She let out a breath.

Acting out? What does she mean? She has never acted out in front of me. Which is partly why I never suspected this of her. She was normal. She is normal.

"It's alright Judy, I need to know." I tried.

"All of her... episodes, happened at night. So I decided to have a sleepover with her. Just a session but in her room, during the night

and I questioned her as a friend for once."

"And?" I pushed, I couldn't wait any longer.

"It was abnormal. It was unexplainable. It was scary how unusual it was," She looked to the floor before looking back up. "The person I spoke to that night wasn't Lucy. Even though I don't believe in this..."

What does she mean? Of course it was Lucy! Wait, does she mean-

"I think she's demonic." She finished, putting me out of my misery.

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