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A hand suddenly clapped my shoulder, I joggled my head back, startle eyes grabbed Elizabeth standing.

"You scared the hell out of me", my chilled voice uttered. The fear rasps away as soon as she asked me to sit with her.

Sating on the floor, I leaned against wall, laid the head back, exhaled a sigh of relief, shut the eyes in peace, almost went sleep. They all were chatting, admiring the place having snacks till late.

Bright and shiny morning jumped up the next day, sky was calm. No traces of any spooky feelings, I beheld everyone, they were all passed out in good sleep.

"How was your sleep?", a drowsy voice reached my ear. I tilted my face to see.

It was Clair, lying on the big red velvet sofa, her tumbling hand waved me, eye sheds were half closed and hair were all muddled.

"Quite well" I whispered, struggling getting to my feet but my legs felt like they have gone numb.

"You look quite tired too", I said looking at her, hand was placed at wall, stepping forward to catch a fresh air.

"I'm just very delighted that we are where we wanted to be" she replied very softly, my heart began pumping in my chest, goosebumps appeared and face lit up by smug glee, by listening her.

I pushed Will to get a way out as he was sleeping roughly on floor.

I walked near the corridor, trolling eyes roamed around the place, saw a teary and dusty old newspaper near the edge of the lamppost, stooped front to pick it up. Wiping it snappily I read an incomplete news about the motel.

"The curse will find its end. The Curtains, was locked down during the construction by declaring a haunted place, but after a while the work began and the motel was built. Soon after the inauguration, few employees died, leaving no evidences behind, the motel continue to operate. It has been sought that the building was constructed on grave yard, illegally. Four hundred deaths were not...."

Weird thoughts drifted inside me in a solitude. Strong puff smoked the vision, I rolled the paper to read the rest, but it was slit half, kneeled down to search the rest piece of parchment, head right on the floor, dust colored my cheek yellowish, trying to look under the table aside the lamp.

I felt an arm on my waist as I was tugged up the floor.

"What are you doing down there?", Karen asked furiously, taking a step back.

It felt like the heart will rip off the rib cage and pop out of my mouth.

"It's you", I replied in a fearsome shock, trying to remain calm.

I fronted the paper near her face, widen eyes with glare, she took the paper to read. Simon snatched the paper to rub his hands. 

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