Chapter 3- Hanging Out

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Chapter 3


"My idiotic brother Noah is here today and tomorrow we're gonna hang out okay?"

"Noted," I responded.

Noah, another one of my best friends basically my older brother except he's annoying. I used to competitively dance and he used to be my dancing partner. We always pull stupid pranks on each other I never call him my friend but we both know that we're like really good friends. He knows a lot about me and sometimes I get annoyed by him but I can deal with it. I will never forget the one time he added hair dye into my shampoo.


Isabella POV

"Hi, Norah," I teased Noah when he walked into my apartment.

Yes, I know why is a 14-year-old girl living in an apartment, well I use some of my street fighting money to pay for this apartment. I keep all my clothes in here since John has nothing better to do other than throw my stuff out. Noah, Andrew and I usually hang out here, I gave them a set of keys as well so they can hang out. Noah is barely around anymore when I used to dance he was always around but after I stopped dancing a month later he used to come to see his family and me like once a month.

"Hello Jingle Belle," he called me annoying me back.

"Omg you frigin annoying piece of shit," I retaliated.

"Wow you aren't swearing that's funny," said Andrew.

"Hey you're supposed to be on my side no cussing."

"Hahaha so funny, you saying no cussing," Noah said in a sarcastic voice.

"I get that we shouldn't cuss, but like I'm just saying the fact that no cussing is coming from you bothers me. I swear you cuss the most," Andrew stated.

My jaw dropped, and we all started laughing.

"Do you guys want Chick-Fil-A? There's one across the street I can go get some."


"Hell yah"

"Alright do you want me to go right now or later?"

"We can make some Tik Toks right now and you can get it later," Noah said.

"Yea that sounds good," Andrew replied.

I walked into my room to get a tripod to record Tik Toks and before I came back I saw Andrew and Noah completely glaring at Andrew while he was glaring back. Not gonna lie it was kind of weird.

-Time Skips- After there done making Tik Toks

"Alright yall hang out do whatever the fuck brothers do, imma get you guys Chick Fil A," I said and walked out the apartment not before grabbing my phone and wallet.

5 minutes of walking I finally got to Chick Fil A and ordered there regular and got myself food too. I barley get food from John which reminded me I have to get home in and hour and its about a 30 minute walk so I'll go eat at the apartment and leave.

"Isabella," an employee called.

"Here's your food, have a great day"

"Thank you," I replied giving a smile.

"My pleasure."

If you do not know this every time you say thank you to a Chick Fil A worker they always say 'my pleasure' back.

Walking back to the apartment in the elevator I check my phone the time is 6:15. I have some time to eat. I walked out the elevator and bumped into a pole and winced in pain reminding me of John's beating last night.

When I got outside my apartment I heard Andrew and Noah arguing, I was extremely confused. I used the key and walked in that made them shut up and just look at me.

"Food's here," Andrew said.

"Obviously it is what are you dumb?" Noah told him.

"Yea, I am thanks for noticing."

I'm just still standing at door being awkward and watching them argue.

Noah gets up and sits at the table and Andrew joins him.

I take the food out of the packing and give them what's was there.

"You guys good?" I asked.

"Yea just som-" Noah responded.

"Totally were great, you know just siblings problems like always" Andrew interrupted.

I looked at them confused but just shrugged it off.

"Oh yah, by the way I'm leaving tonight," Noah said.

I was upset, furious, confused-

My thoughts were cut off by Andrew saying "Can't you stay a little longer you were here for two days."

"Sorry lil bro I have work and-"

"God when do you not have work like where do you even work," Andrew said upset

"Okay guys chill out please-"

They wouldn't stop bickering at each other. I checked my phone and saw the time 6:48, shit I need to get home.

"Ok I need to go," I said giving them both a hug.

"Alright see you later," Noah said.

"Why don't you sleep here anymore?" Andrew asked.

"Ummm- I don't wanna worry John you know," I lied and they both knew I was.

I grabbed my backpack, phone and ran home got there at 7:03.

"Shit I really hope he isn't home yet," I mumbled to myself.

I opened the door and walked in thank god he wasn't here, dropping my stuff on the floor walking over to kitchen to make some pasta. I placed the pasta on the table right before the front door was slammed open revealing John.

"Did you make me food?" he asked.

"Y-yes," I replied.

I mentally slapped myself for stuttering, god I know I'm intimidated but not that bad. I go upstairs and put my bag on the floor when John walked into my room.


I couldn't speak, I tried to talk but the words wouldn't come out my mouth. I was nervous, I was intimidated.


He kicked my shin making me fall to the floor, and punched my ribs repeatedly. Grabbing my shirt in fist and punching me face. That is definitely giving me a black eye but my thought were cut of when he started to slap me.


I thought he was done but...


Hey luvs :)

Stay Safe!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2021 ⏰

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