Oh no zed

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Y/N's pov

Ahhh finally out of school
I thought I went to zombie lands with my vampire book and saw the werewolfs they looked at the I saw wyatt look at me so I winked and he looked down.
Does he not like me
I thought well somthing was about to happen because I saw the zombies walking to the wolfs so I put my book down ready for the show.

Wyatts pov

She looked at us then looked at me and winked I looked down
Shit shes hot
I thought then the zombies started to walk towards us oh god.
*I'm lazy so I'm juat gonna put the song sorry*

Y/N 's pov

I started to laugh because wynter talked zed I saw wyatt whispering to willa and wynter and then looked at me they nodded and walked off but wyatt walked towards me. "Hi" he said "Hi" I replied back " can I walk you home" he said " sure why not " we walked to my apartment he had his arm around my waist " well this is my stop bye " I said " Bye" he replied

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