"MARE FUORI" is an Italian TV series which focused on the stories of troubled teenagers who end up in the Juvenile Penitentiary Institute of Nisida, in Naples. The title is literally a metaphor: from their cells the inmates can see the sea that surrounds Nisida, but the sea also represents the opportunities they can find outside if they manage to leave behind their past and all the actual crimes they committed. The main characters are:
Carmine Di Salvo: a young man who wants to escape his family and the mobster life they want for him. At the beginning of the story, he kills Nazario Valletta, a young mobster of his own age, who was about to rape his girlfriend, Nina (who, later on in the story, discovers to be pregnant with Carmine's child, a girl). He later ends up in jail, there he makes a friend, Filippo Ferrari, who becomes his cellmate, and a lot of enemies, like Ciro Ricci and his crew of inmates inside the institute, and the Valletta family outside of it.
Filippo Ferrari: a young pianist who lives in Milan. At the beginning of the story is visiting Naples with a group of friends. After a wild night in the disco, one of Filippo's friends dies falling off a building and Filippo's blamed for it. Once he arrives in the institute, he is bullied by Ciro and his gang and the only two people who actually care about him are Carmine and
Naditza, a young gipsy girl who, at the beginning, gets herself arrested on purpose to escape her father who wants to arrange her a wedding against her will. Later in the story she falls for Filippo.
The Sea Beyond - On Stranger Tides
Teen FictionFrom chapter 10: -"Sometimes life is full of shit, Nad. Not everyone is cut out for it." That brief response was meant to summarize Gioia's opinion on the matter. If you make all the wrong choices, you usually don't end up on top. Bad things happen...