xxvii. the unexpected guest

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"Yo, you gonna' eat that bro?" Bambam said, snatching up the last piece of meat in the centre of the table before Jungkook could even try. 
Jungkook was too busy on his mobile to even notice and Bambam was finally getting frustrated. It had been months since they had last caught up, what with Jungkook touring for months at a time. Now he was finally back in Seoul, Junkgkook had suggested for Bambam to come over to his apartment to catch up over food and beer, but now here Bambam was, practically talking to himself.
"Earth to Jungkook," Bambam said, waving his chopsticks in front of his friend's face to try to get his attention. 
It thankfully worked, and Jungkook snapped back to reality. "Sorry, I'm just..." Jungkook hesitated saying what he wanted to say, before he sighed deeply and put his phone down. "Lisa hasn't replied to me since yesterday evening. Have you heard from her?"
Bambam raised an eyebrow, slowly swallowing his last bite before he replied in deadpan, "You're this worried because Lisa is slow to reply? Dude, I could not reply to my mom for a week and she wouldn't bat an eyelid."
Jungkook rolled his eyes with a scoff. "Well, it doesn't usually take her this long to reply."
"Aren't you two neighbours? Can't you just knock on her door?" Bambam asked, referring to the fact they both lived in the same apartment building. 
"She's been staying at the dorms recently. Shouldn't you know? You're her best friend."
Bambam shrugged nonchalantly, continuing with picking at the food that was leftover. "We don't talk everyday. Plus, it's late, she could have fallen asleep. Although... she has been quiet on the Thai group chat." Seeing Jungkook's face turn even more worried, he quickly backtracked. "But that's not weird for her... She's so busy these days and everything..."
Jungkook nodded his head a little uncertainly but he did feel slightly more reassured. "Yeah you're right. I'm just being paranoid. And I was being inconsiderate to you - sorry dude."
Bambam waved him off. "It's fine. It's actually good to see you still so whipped for Lisa."
Jungkook laughed in surprise. "Just because we're not together, doesn't mean I don't still love her."
"Does she know that?"
Jungkook raised a brow. "Yeah, of course, why wouldn't she?"
"Well it wouldn't hurt to tell her somehow every once in a while, you know?"
"Ah well, it's kind of difficult to go on professing our love when we can't be together. We're not really into constantly torturing ourselves on what we can't have right now."
Bambam nodded sagely in understanding. "Got you. You two have got the most complicated relationship I've ever seen."
Jungkook chuckled mirthlessly. "You're telling me."
Suddenly, there was a loud clatter outside Jungkook's front door, followed by a familiar, muffled 'crap!'.
Bambam and Jungkook looked at each startled before they both jumped up and ran towards the door. Swinging it open, they saw a blonde head with her arms full with a cat carrier in one hand, a duffle bag in the other and a huge bag of cat food juggled in between. The loud clatter had been her handbag being dropped and hitting the floor, spilling its contents all over the marble tiles.
"Lisa!" both Jungkook and Bambam exclaimed at the same time. 
Said girl looked up in surprise. "Jungkook! Bambam! Oh god, I look a mess right now, please don't look at me." She tried to cover her face behind the huge bag of cat food, but struggled to keep it all stably in her arms and it wobbled precariously before Jungkook rushed over to take it out of her hands. Bambam followed, crouching down to pick up her dropped bag and scooped all her belongings back in. 
"Are you alright?" Bambam said, noticing her dishevelled appearance.
Lisa thanked them and ran the back of her hand across her face wearily, wiping away the sheen of sweat that had formed. She held up the cat carrier in her hand. A ball of fur was vaguely visible. 
"I had to take Leo to the vets last night." At their alarmed looks, she shook her head, and reassured them, "I left him in the dorms for a bit and when I got back he was limping and in a lot of pain. Turns out he had broken his leg and he had to get a little surgery but he's resting now and should fully recover."
"Why didn't you call me or something? I would have been there," Jungkook asked, sounding a little disappointed. 
However, Lisa simply gave him a knowing look, one eyebrows slightly quirked. "You know why."
Of course she was talking about how they couldn't be seen together in public. Jungkook hated it, but that's how it would always have to be. But as Leo's adoptive father, he would have wanted to be there to support the both of them. 
Jungkook shook his head, clearing his mind of any more thoughts of what could have been, and instead pivoted his attention back to Lisa's tired eyes.
"Did you even get any sleep?" 

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