Family Ties

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Today was a town event. Sam woke up early to go help Mrs. Lockwood. She woke up and saw Damon asleep next to her on her bed. They had another night movie night. They were fully clothed, they are best friends. 

Sam took a shower then got dressed. When she went back to the bed room she was Damon wake and looking through a book. 

"You woke up early, what for?" Damon asked 

Sam starts putting on comfortable shoes 

"I am going to go help Mrs. Lockwood setup the founders party. Are you going to be going?" Sam asked as she puts on a jacket 

"As your date?" Damon asked as he stands up "A date as friends." Sam said 

"Sure, But one day you are you ever going on a date with me?" Damon asked 

Sam smiled "Maybe one day."
Damon smiled 

"You can stay, I will only be go for four hours max." Sam said as Damon walked closer to her 

"Alright, Well when you get here, I will leave and get ready, while you get here." Damon said 

"Sounds good, See you soon." Sam said, She then kissed Damon's check and left 


After a few hours, Sam and Mrs Lockwood finished setting up. Before Sam left, Mrs. Lockwood gave her a box and told Sam to Open it when she got home, Sam of course agreed. 

When Sam got to the apartment, Damon greeted her then left. Caroline came over to get Ready with Sam. 

"So Damon asked me to tell Bonnie about the issues with Kathrine and Lilly Situation, It sounded messed up, So I did it, because I'm to scared to tell Elena myself." Caroline told Sam as Sam curled her hair

Sam stopped "Caroline, I need to tell you something, Promise you won't hat me." Sam said looking at Caroline, 

Caroline stopped doing her makeup looking at Sam confused Caroline says "I will never hate you, ever." Sam goes sits next to Caroline on the bed 

"Care-bear. I'm a Vampire and a witch." Sam said looking scared 

Caroline giggles "Funny, Mickey." 

Sam gets the Candle that was on the nightstand and lit it with her mind. "Oh, my god you're a witch." Caroline said shocked 

"I'm going to show you my Vampire face, please don't freak out." Sam said a little bit scared Caroline nods a little 

Sam shows her the vamp face "Oh my god! Oh, my God" Caroline said 

"I would never hurt you care. I love you and I would never dream of hurting you." Sam said grabbing Caroline's hands 

Caroline looked at her "I know you would never hurt me. Why are you telling me?" Caroline asked 

"Vampires can compel people, like mid control and I don't want people to control you. Vampires can't control you if you you're wearing vervain." Sam said then she opened the the drawer on the nightstand and grabbed a box She then hands it to Caroline

"its a ring. Inside the ring is a piece of vervain." Sam said  Caroline opened the box "It's beautiful. Thanking you for telling me." Caroline said bringing her in a hug 

Sam hugs her back "I will always protect you care, but please promise me to never tell anyone, well not yet." Sam said 

"I promise." Care said as the girls let go of their hug 

"Now let's finish getting ready." Care said causing Sam to smile 

"Okay bossy." Sam smirked 

Both girls finished getting ready, while gossiping about the latest news in school. 

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