Ch 1: pilot

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"i dont think it is gonna work out, seriously, im reconsidering this. Should i-?" Jyrahn sighed slamming her phone on her bed. "I dont think i should do this, its too much unnecessary work and frustrating too, why did i even think about this? How stupid am i?"
Jyrahn accidentally agreed to do her best friend's homework when she herself has a ton of it pilling up on her desk. - "maybe i should just call her and drop it" she paused for a second to comprehend on saying a simple "no" and refusing to do it. Jyrahn is a people pleaser and encounters  difficulties  refusing requests from near and dear ones.
"Jay, are u coming down for dinner or not? I sent for u 15 mins back, whats going on?" It was her mom, she always keeps bickering with jyrahn, else her day dosent go well!
Jay slides off her bed, dragging the sheets and comforters with her to the edge of the bed until it starts hanging off the side. Jay dosent pay attention to the ruined alignment of her bed and proceeds to walk down the stairs towards dinner table.

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