Sleepy Remus, Sleepless Sirius.

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We had been back at school for about a week now since our Christmas at the Potters and I don't know why I never came to Hogwarts sooner. I could have met the boys years ago but I chose to stay away. I was an idiot.  I felt closer to the Marauders than ever, they were my best friends and I love Lily, Alice and Marlene equally. life at Hogwarts was perfect.

Lily opened the door to our dorm where I sat reading a book that Remus had given me, Alice was doing homework at her desk and Marlene was doodling on a note pad whilst humming a tune. We all looked up when Lily slammed the door.

"Hey Lily, everything alright?" asked Marlene.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, yeah I'm good." replied Lily, waling over to her bed to take her shoes off. It was only 8:36.

"that is rubbish and we all know it." I stated, closing my book. Alice moved and sat next to Lily on her bed. I sat up and so did Marlene. "Whats wrong Lils?" I asked and Lily shrugged.

"Honestly I really don't know. I just feel like something is missing." she stated and looked up from her socks.

"Like what?" asked Alice and we all nodded.

"This is going to sound really strange." said Lily.

"What is it?" asked Marlene.

"I mean like really really strange." continued Lily and I moved to sit on her other side, picking up a glass of water and handing it to Lily, she took a swig and handed it back. I took a sip.

"Spit it out woman." said Marlene bluntly and I giggled with water in my mouth but Alice shot her a look.

"I think I might like Potter." said Lily and I spat out the water i had in my mouth and began to choke. Alice patted me on the back.

"Whilst I was trying to catch my breath and began to laugh out of joy. James was going to be so happy I can already see the delight on his face when Lily tells him.

"What makes you say that Lily? Didn't just before Christmas you call him a specky git for giving you a dandilion he picked?" asked Marlene and I caught my breath. James had told Remus and I about that at Lunch.

"I don't know whats wrong with me ever since we got back from break I haven't seen much of him at all. He hasn't made any attempt at talking to me at all, just slight eye contact in potions... I miss it." stated Lily all at once in one long breath and I grinned. James had actually followed the advice i had given him and it had worked! I felt so proud. I sat back down next to lily and smiled at her.

"You know what this means don't you?" I asked softly and I looked over to Marlene who had the same grin plastered on her face.

"No I bloody do not! what does it mean?" answered Lily and Alice giggled.

"You, my gorgeous friend, are in love with the one and only James Potter." said Alice and Lily fell backwards on her bed, Marlene and i still smiling. 

"Merlin, what am I going to do?" she muttered under her breath, she draped an arm over her eyes. I pulled it off gently.

"That's up to you." i said and Lily pulled her pillow over her face. Marlene pulled it off.

"Just talk to him and see how it goes from there. I've always thought you were soulmates but that's just my opinion." said Alice, walking back over to the desk.

"But what if the reason he has stopped talking to me is because he's stopped liking me? What if I'm too late?" said Lily in panic and I felt guilty knowing that that wasn't at all the situation.

"Lily, the day James stops loving you is the day i throw myself down a flight of stairs. Just talk to him in the morning. Okay?" I soothed and Lily let out a small laugh. 

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