Chapter 1: Wilted Rose

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I cringed hard at the reverberating sound of plates breaking and food splattering, guests shocked by the abrupt and startling sound, but eyeing me with such judgement. They all held back on their snickers, giving knowing looks whilst whispering their taunts and teases. How annoying.

I looked down and apart from the mess I created, my uniform was also stained with a concoction of different, indecipherable colors that I tried wiping off with my bare hands only to realized how futile that attempt was.

My main problem was the several dishes I inadvertently spilled after accidentally tripping over my own two feet by trying to make sure everything was balanced. I stared at it—completely mortified at the sight and couldn't help but feel an overwhelming amount of guilt wash over me.

I got on my knees and reached over and meticulously began to grab onto a few of the pieces of glass. Yet the feeling of being watched, along with the underlying humiliation seeping over me, has yet to disperse. In the corner of my eyes I could see ladies whom are dressed in their elegant, satin dresses with their fancy hats and sunglasses gawking at me and even taking pictures on their phones; men chuckling and exuding their impertinent sneers rather loudly wanting me to hear it.

This is how our world is.

High society members consuming their daily freshly made gourmet, talking about their accomplishments amongst one another and their plans for the future all while belittling commoners like me—as they like to put it—whether they say it indirectly or not, but that sense of captious mockery is apparent in every wealthy being that saunters through those double doors. I've noticed this discrimination shortly after I took this job offer; these peoples' "nice" jokes and advices are nothing but scolds, making inquiries that you know little knowledge about just so they can see you grow stiff...look stupid. All for their amusement.

My train of thoughts were interjected when I heard a fierce rage breakout from the kitchen and in a split second saw my boss hurdling over towards me filled with rage.

I tried to hastily grab as many of the glass shards as possible, but as I grabbed ahold of one, my hand was snatched and gripped onto firmly. I winced at the sharp pain inflicted onto my bare hand and looked up at my boss who was seething with rage, teeth grinding together and steam practically shooting from his ears.

"Roseanne, this is your fifth time embarrassing myself and this restaurant with your cloddish and blundering mistakes that you doubtlessly make over and over again! You fail to realize what you're doing wrong and in the mist of it being down this restaurant's reputation! You outta be ashamed of yourself..." he went on and on about my mistakes and how I could of easily avoided them had I been good or even decent at my job.

I chewed down on my bottom lip to stifle sobs from escaping my lips, my eyes becoming squinted and sniffed at the countless remarks being thrown my way but tried my best to keep my composure.

"Now go apologize to the Changs right now for having to wait another two hours for their meal and for your clumsy behavior!"

Throwing my arm harshly, I dropped all the glass back to where they once were, wincing slightly when I felt a small sting at my palm but ignored it. I stood onto my feet and looked at the table where the Changs were: all disinterested, agitated and giving me smug looks, those around giving me the same menacing looks that made me feel smaller than before.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2021 ⏰

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