chapter 2

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"Sir he is asleep now, we can start the surgery" hari said walking out of the the room wearing protective gear.

Overhaul nodded and stood up walking back into the room where izuku was unconscious and strapped to a metal table.

Overhaul opened the box covered in many warnings.
He sighed and put on a gas mask and overpowering gloves as he unlocked it.

It was only him and hari in the room, the doors were locked and any way else in was closed and blocked.

Hari picked up a surgical blade.


he carefully removed his shirt revealing his skin that was littered in scars from many things. They saw many from quirk malfunctions, abuse, bullying and more.

Hari pressed the blade onto his stomach sliding it across as blood started to leak out. They were now able to get into his stomach. Hari used some wires to keep his stomach open as blood rushed out.

Overhaul used some medal pliers to pick up a glowing black orb. He slowly put it into izukus stomach as it immediately turned into string vein like things as it attached itself to izukus insides.

(This is so gross in my head-)

Soon a black vein strip had a glowing gold running through it, overhaul quickly cut open and used the pliers to grab the bright gold yellow orb.

"We got the quirk..." overhaul mutteres.

They quickly stitched izuku back up as the black orbs replaced his missing attachments.


Hari put izuku into a white big shirt with different straps and some white socks.

Hari put izuku into a white big shirt with different straps and some white socks

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Meanwhile overhaul with securing all mights quirk. He very actually thought that the surgery would not work out. Usually it would kill the person and destroy the quirk and that's why it was locked away.

It was like it's own person and it was choosing there own owner.

I guess it chose izuku to be its owner.

It will now protect izuku, heals him, comfort him, keep him company, and more.

Overhaul planned on keeping izuku close but he was usually busy so it could watch over him.

He felt bad for izuku, he could already tell he is so kind hearted but was treated wrongly.

(Soft overhaul moments🤚take your notes peeps📝)

Overhaul had taken a shower and put kn black formal Jean's and a black button up shirt. He had his white gloves on and a black mask with black dress shoes. He walked out of his room and over to where izuku and hari would be.

He opened the door to see izuku sleeping soundly in bed as Hari was folding some of his other clothes.

Hari pointed beside izuku so overhaul looked over him to see eri hugging him as she also slept peacefully.

"Eri really likes him" hari whispered.

Overhaul nodded and smiled under the mask.

They heard izuku yawn and saw him slowly sit up holding eri.

"How do you feel?" Kai asked. (I got tired of putting overhaul)

"...relieved.."izuku said looking at his body.

Most of his scars on his legs were revealed.

He looke at his arms that seemed to have lessened. They weren't big, hard, and muscly. They were normal, soft, and smooth.

His whole body had seemed to deflate a bit making him just look oh so much cuter.

But he noticed the small black markings on his wrist.

But he noticed the small black markings on his wrist

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He looked at his other to see another one.

He lookd at lai who was looking at them aswell

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He lookd at lai who was looking at them aswell.

"What are these?" Izuku asked.

"Those are part of you now, it I'd as also part of the new thing inside you but it is not a quirk" kai answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2021 ⏰

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