2 - Commander's Orders

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The door to Erwin's office slowly creaked open, and you hesitantly stepped in - only to be faced with the inquisitive glares of several men, all dressed in the captain's uniform.

"Ah!" Exclaimed Erwin, calling out your name. "Please, take a seat"

Glancing at the table, only one chair was left. Your attempt of a making a good first impression wasn't going so well, as being the latest to a meeting maybe wasn't the best way to introduce yourself to your new coworkers.

Pulling back the chair, you took a look at those around you, and to your surprise, a restless looking black haired man sat to your left.

"Right then, let's get started." Erwin said, taking his seat at the head of the table.

"I'll cut to the chase. The reason there are a whole bunch of new captains in Shiganshina is because we want to increase the intensity of our expeditions in the south."

A hushed mumble spread across the table, as you looked around it was clear to see that many were still confused.

"So? Can we go now?"

A deep, annoyed voice sounded from your left; it was the black haired man.

"Levi, after all these years together you still can't tell when I have something big to reveal?" Erwin joked.

The man sitting next to you was the famed captain Levi, proclaimed humanities strongest soldier.

Immediately you became uncomfortable, shifting around in your chair in an attempt to make yourself a little more presentable to the man who so many revered, averting your gaze towards Erwin.


Erwin refocused his attention to the entire table.

"Recently, there has been sighting of an extremely abnormal Titan to the south of Shiganshina."

The Commander held up a sketch of what looked to be an enormous, hairy Titan, with long, slender arms hanging by its sides. Some of the captains shot concerned looks to each other, it was certainly out of the ordinary.

"I want to investigate this Titan. Something tells me it might give us some invaluable information into the secrets of these walls."

As expected of the eager commander. His avidity for expeditions was evident in his creation of the coloured smoke communication system, which had allowed for more efficient journeys further out into the unexplored territory of beyond the walls.

"Anyway, to do this, I'm combining some squads. I want to make sure we can cover as much ground as possible."

This proposition perked the ears of the other captains in the room. Of course, yourself and everyone else was immediately wondering who exactly they would be working with.

"I'll tell you all now the pairings for the new expeditions."

Erwin began to read out a list of the squads who would be working together, each name announced was followed by a short burst of excited discussion amongst the other captains, but you and Levi kept quiet.

"Levi!" Erwin announced, turning towards the captain and grinning.

At once, the gentle muttering that surrounded the table ceased, everyone listening on avidly as to who would be paired with the famed Ackerman.

You almost didn't hear Erwin read out your name, as the intensity of the stares pointed in your direction caught you off guard. Levi was now your co-captain. Levi Ackerman.

A tap on your shoulder broke you out of you daze, and you were faced with the cold, but strangely gently face of the black haired man, who had extended his hand out to you.

Shaking his hand, Levi seemed to show no real reaction to the situation, instead withdrawing quickly from the greeting and turning back to Erwin.


The rest of the meeting was fuzzy in your memory as you laid in bed that night. Thoughts of the days to come flooded your mind, a mixture of excitement and dread.

'What if I'm a burden?'

'Could I slow him down in training - no - in battle?'

Your brain was expending so much energy creating possible future scenarios that you didn't realise yourself drifting off to sleep, or the fact that the Sun was quickly rising.

It's Complicated - Levi x Reader x Erwin Where stories live. Discover now