First step

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Aryan was busy with the work assigned to him by Ridhima. He already fixed bugs in his parents and dadi's phone remaining are angrey, Siya , Ishani and anupriya . He was thinking a plan to do that getting Siya's phone was easy but it's hard to get others
Ridhima was instructing Siya some exercises silently aryan took Siya's phone but was caught by a hand
V: what are you doing ?
Siya and Ridhima look over their direction. He is gone Ridhima thought . Aryan gulped but over came with a reason
A: bhai I am trying to spy on Siya
Siya and Vansh: what you are spying on your own sister
A: you don't know right bhai Siya is keeping secrets from us she has a boyfriend
V: what Siya is that true
S: bhai woh amm it's nothing like that in fact aryan bhai is having a girl friend that why he is behaved weirdly nowadays even Ridhima know about it
V: what is happening here you both are keeping secrets from me and aryan who is she
A: bhai first you ask Siya who that person is
S: first you have to say
V: you both are not going to say right then I am going to know in one or the other way , Ridhima you know about them both right then say what they are saying is true or not
R: woh I think they should say it's not my thing to say
Aryan and Siya let out their breath
V: no problem you can say they won't say anything to you this is my guarantee
R: woh Siya has a crush on Rohit Sharma and aryan loves my best friend Sejal Khanna party planner
She said in one go
V: what ?? You both have kept secrets from me
S and A : woh bhai it's nothing like that we thought to tell you but we haven't even said this to them so
V: okay when are you going to tell about this to them
A: I thought to propose her after she returns to India
V: and what about you
S: bhai I thought to tell him 3 years before only but he disappeared like that only and I didn't get a chance to say this to him
Vansh suddenly remembered what Rithvik said to him before and kept quiet
V: Siya Rohit is stressed by some matter when he will become normal I will personally ask him about that till then don't talk to him about it any you aryan stop spying on your own sister and Ridhima I need to talk to you personally can you come aside after your work
R: okay sir
Siya was glaring aryan continuously as she is going to eat him
S: all this is because you what is the need to take my phone you can ask me right what was the need to steal
A: I was just casually checking that's it what I know that bhai will come suddenly
S: aryan what are you hiding from me
A: nothing Siya
S: bhai you can hide from everyone but not from me I know you are not a flirt but you pretend to be you have changed a lot after dad's death you separated from family always used to stay more in orphanage or at Shashank dada's house and now again I am looking at my old aryan bhai you know that I am more close to you than Vansh bhai I can easily catch your lie
A: it's like that Siya if anything is there then I will tell you right and about the change which you are seeing now is because of Sejal and Ridhima they both became good friends to me recently and I am trying to mingle up with them that's it Siya nothing is there more than that
Aryan slips from there Ridhima helps siya to move to her room and goes to meet Vansh at his study
R: may I come in
V: yes Ridhima you can
R: what is the reason that you have called me
V: I want to know about aryan
R: what he is your brother and you are asking about him that to from me
V: just answer he doesn't share anything with me most he will share with either Rohan or Siya but even Siya doesn't know what has happened to him
I want to know how guys know each other where and when you have met him
R( come on Ridhima come with a story) I met him at orphanage has often used to come  there and we became friends he was initially not free with us too but later on he became used to us and started to change and even he started to love Sejal even she knows about it but kept quiet because she want to settle first and then think about these things and aryan respected her decision that's it
V: ok can you say anything about Sejal
R: her parents died when she was 2 years old from then onwards she is staying in orphanage she is mostly silent and doesn't indulge her in any kind of socialising she always wanted  a simple life a happy family and good job
V: do you think she is okay for aryan
R: that you can know by yourself when she comes she will come in one or two weeks
V: okay
R: and Siya has chances of walking I have seen responses in her foot but she needs a shock or anything like this then she can have total movement something is stopping her from walking but I will try my level best
V: thanks if she starts walking I would be most happiest person
R: I said I will try my level best
She excited from there and Vansh opens a photo and unwontedly A smile appears on his face
Ridhima goes to meet aryan
R: aryan
A: Ridhima kam hogaya I have set bugs in everyone's phone even in badi MA's phone also now we can tap their calls and I have said to Rohit bhai to collect the bank statements we will get bank statements by 2 or 3 days
R: great work aryan I have doubts on anupriya only
A: me too she acts overly clingy and always roams around Vansh bhai when she have to see all three of them equally but she always sticks to Vansh bhai and she has even signing authority in company also
R: be careful aryan Vansh is keeping an eye on you
A: chill ri that I will handle and I want your signature on some papers deal is conformed and check once and sign it
R: I will check and sign those but first I need to get rid of the transmitter yar so that he cannot have any means to contact me
Unknown to them this was heard by someone
To be continued ...........................................................
Guess who can that person be?
Will Ridhima and aryan get caught?

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