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After everything Izuku and Tenya Got iced coffee and some appetizers to go. They sat on top of Izukus car playing some background music.

"The stars look especially lovely tonight." Izuku stopped eating and looked up with Tenya. "They do, don't they?" Izuku contently sighed.

After a few moments Tenya worked up the nerve to ask ; "So, what was your ex like? He seems to do a number on you." Izuku tensed up.

Should I tell him? I've only known him for like a week.


We bonded so quickly it's like I've known him my whole life. It's like the universe wanted this. Like if after all the pain and crying it came sun, and that sun is Tenya.

"He did."

"Do you want to elaborate?, we have all night." Tenya suggested but not before making sure his tone didn't seem like he was trying to force it out of Izuku.

"Well, I grew up with him. He bullied me for not having a dad when he knew he could. He had a advantage on me. The last year of middle school he stopped, suddenly. It was nerve racking for me until the middle of the summer, he confessed. I couldn't be happier, I said yes of course. Since that day we were high school sweethearts, he would get me flowers once a week, remembered any day I asked him to. He was like the perfect boyfriend. I don't think I was good enough, I was gonna purpose to him graduation day. Except my anxiety got in the way and I wanted to wait to do it in private. While I was walking to his house, at the corner store he was making out with a girl from class. So I just walked away. He saw and he didn't care. He just wanted her at the moment. So we unofficially broke up. I wish it didn't end the way it did, but I grew from it. Even if it left me so hurt and in pain I learned, apart of me will always care for him, unfortunately."

Tenya moved so he faced Izuku while talking, listening intensely.


"Yeah, right? Anyways; what happened with that red and white haired guy?"

Temya looked away, knowing he will come clean in a second. Tenya started biting the inside his cheek. Debating actually doing it. It was only fair. He felt in owe.

"Todoroki wasn't a ex. He was my best friend, he came from a broken home. He needed love. I guess in the mess of that he found out he loved me, I don't think so. I still don't. I think it was obsessive behavior. He got jealous easily almost as we were dating. He tried to get with me multiple times but I declined. I'm assuming he's been stalking me to know that we've hung out. If you could even say that. He acted like I was cheating. I guess I had enough, He wasn't the boss of anything I did so why put up? I told him we needed a break and I guess to him it was identical breakup. I didn't want to but it had to be done, sooner or later he would've done something fucked up. I blame myself for seeing the signs and didn't do anything. Kind of like leading him on."

Izuku just sat there.

"You know that's not your fault right? You couldn't have prevented anything. Everything in the world happens for a reason.  Even if the reason is dumb."

Tenya nodded.

"I won't let him near you again." Izuku knowing Tenya was talking about Bakugou.

Izuku looked at tenya. How he looked at him like he was so concentrated on only him.

It seemed time stopped, it was only them in the world, the matching energy glowing off them.

Day after day Tenya and Izuku got closer and closer.

It's been a few months now and their friendship was as strong as ever. Tenya had invited Izuku to the movies today so Izuku, being him was getting ready a few hours earlier.

He put on a sweater and some material sweatpants, showering and trying to unfrizz his hair curls and did slight cover up makeup.

While Tenya was getting ready, he dropped his cologne, thinking one thought.

Is this a date?

Well was it? Was he even ready to date? I mean what if it unfolds like what happened with todoroki?

Stop it. Izuku is not Todoroki.

What if Izuku didn't even cross the thought if it was a date? He could think it was just another hangout, but he has tendencies to read in between the lines. What if he wanted it to be a date? Does that mean it was going to be?

Izuku was panicking. He dropped his candy all over his floor to only find himself holding a rose while sweeping it up.

He was going to give it to Tenya. He was gonna tell him he looked very handsome. That's something normal best friends do right? Like a laid back hype man! He couldn't wait to see him just to say it.

Wait, but only dates get roses. Anyone could get flowers but he specifically got a rose, like he was drawn to it. Of course it didn't mean anything. It probably just looked the best to him because of his romance shows and novels.

Tenya wouldn't think of it as a date. But he did say Todoroki had liked him like it was normal. So is there a chance he could? Izuku never heard of a girl in his life. Either way he grabbed his keys and got in the car.

Tenya worked up the nerve to admit he wanted it to be a date. So he got into the car, excitedly to go to his date.

When he got there Izuku was sitting on his car, kicking his legs with a broken red rose.

He went up to Izuku and Izuku looked up.

"You look very handsome tonight."

A little stunned, he replied with;

"You look really cute in that sweater."

Izuku handed him a dozen yellow rose with red tips.
Word count: 1027

Authors note: holy shit this is more than I ever written or planned on writing, thank you for the support and conversation in the comment sections cause it gave me motivation to write all this lol ok bye ily all

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