Depths Of Water (Ino)

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(This is from Naruto Original season 4 Ep. 169)


Naruto, Shino, Anko and Ino were on the boat heading to the island to stop the sea monster problems.

"Naruto where do you get all the energy!?" Ino questioned.

"Well I'll need this at times like this!" Naruto said as he continued paddling.

"I almost feel sorry for Sakura..." Ino mumbled, making Anko chuckle. Till all the sudden the boat started to shake.

"W-what the- it's like I ran up against a rock-" Naruto said as he struggled to get the padding moving.

"I'll help you Naruto." Shino said as he walked towards Naruto.

"LOOK AHEAD!!!" Anko yelled. Everyone looked at where Anko pointed. A whirlpool was pulling them in.

"DODGE IT!!!" Anko yelled. Ino stood up and walked towards Naruto and Shino.

"I'll help you gu- KYAHHHHH!!!!" Ino screamed after being pulled out of the boat by some kind of tentacle. She was in the air for a bit.

"INO!!!" Anko yelled before creating snake to try to get Ino back. But it was too late. Ino had been pulled underwater.


'Shit! What's happening!? I can't get out!'

Ino tried to break free from the tentacle grip but it only made it wrap around her more and get tighter. She kept getting pulled further down.

The water pressure was painful for Ino. It felt like her eardrums would pop. Again, she tried to break free by thrashing around. It was futile.

'No no! I can't die... Not yet! Papa would be so sad! Sakura too! My team! I can't die... I don't want too...'

The tentacle wrapped around more and tighten. Making it impossible to move. Unable to hold it any longer, Ino had let all of the air out of her. Sending her body into a panic. Soon she had nothing. She watched the sparkly water up at the surface. Her vision was fading away. Then she saw a person in front of her. It kept shaking Ino around. Like it was trying to free her. Ino unfortunately, was unable to stay awake.

Anko managed to free Ino but she was too late. Ino had already lost consciousness. She grabbed Ino's arm and pulled her to the surface.

(In Logic, Whenever someone is drowning, normally when they pass out and is being brought back to land. That is the time you should do cpr. They didn't do that in the show... so Ima add an extra scene hehe.)

"NARUTO! SHINO! LAND NOW!" Anko yelled before running towards the island with Ino in her arms. Naruto and Shino followed.

Soon they arrived at land. Anko plopped Ino on the ground.

"Ino! Damnit!" Anko cursed. She began preforming compressions on Ino.

"IS INO-CHAN GOING TO DIE?!" Naruto yelled.

"SHE BETTER NOT!" Anko yelled.

'It would be devastating for her close friends and family. I can't imagine what her father would say to this. Or her team. Sakura would probably loose her shit. I can't let her die!! Not today!!!' Anko shouted in her thoughts.

Soon she did the mouth to mouth, trying her best to bring this girl back to life. Then back to doing compressions.

"Come on... come on... come on..." Anko muttered. When all hope was lost, Ino convulsed and coughed up water. Everyone sighed in relief.

"A-An-nko...?" Ino mumbled. Anko picked up Ino again.

"Get some rest." Anko smiled. Ino nodded as she leaned her head against Anko. Falling asleep.


"Ino! How did the mission go?" Sakura asked. Ino let out a 'meh'.

"Well... I almost died..." Ino said nervously. Sakura stared at Ino.

"Like... I was on the edge of death." Ino said. Sakura had a worried look.

"Yo-Your okay now, are you?" Sakura questioned.

"Mmhm. Yeah. I'm good thanks to Anko-Sensei!" Ino smiled.

"What happened?" Sakura asked.

"Well... something pulled me out of the boat and took me underwater. It was causing me to drown. Eventually I lost consciousness. The next thing I know is that I'm on land and Anko is pushing against my stomach." Ino explained.

"Damn..." Sakura said. She stared a bit.

"Are you sure your fine?" Sakura asked again.

"Forehead I am okay!" Ino yelled.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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