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this is you your name is grace

this is your best friend noah but y'all end up falling in love

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this is your best friend noah but y'all end up falling in love

this is like your best friend nessa y'all do everything together

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this is like your best friend nessa y'all do everything together

this is like your best friend nessa y'all do everything together

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this is your brother jaden

this is your brother jaden

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this is your mom

this is your dad

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this is your dad

this is your sister olivia

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this is your sister olivia

this is your other sister bella

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this is your other sister bella

here are y'all ages grace-16noah-18nessa-18 jaden-20mom-34dad-36olivia-21bella-3these are y'all heights grace-4:10noah-5:6nessa-4:11jaden-5:8mom-5:9dad-6:1olivia-5:7bella-94 cm backstory : your name is grace may evans you are 15 years old about to...

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here are y'all ages
these are y'all heights
bella-94 cm
backstory : your name is grace may evans you are 15 years old about to be 16 you best guy friend noah and you are really close so you tell him everything you and him act like a couple like you sit on his lap you hold his hand but y'all haven't kissed you have had a crush on noah since the 5 grade you think he likes you back but you don't want to ruin your friendship everyone knows you like him but you tell them to keep it a secret you live in texas with your family your little sister bella and you are close you take her everywhere you go except at noahs house
get ready for episode one

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