I miss you

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I write to empty my heart.

At this time, I am in love with a man...I man I've never met. At least...not yet.

My mind sings songs of love to him, why would it do that? I've never met you yet.

I can't stop thinking about you, I can't stop missing you. How could you make me feel this way - when I haven't met you yet.

I yearn to confess my feelings to you. How could I do that, when I haven't seen you or know who you are.

Whoever you are, wherever you are, stop clogging my mind with thoughts of loving you!

Who are you?

I can't stand it anymore. I must shout it out!

I L O V E Y O U!!

I love you...

And I hope you know it too.

The writing of this poem was inspired by Bjork's song - I miss you.

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