The Contract - Chapter 2

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Detective Carlino Soza from the Interpol Spanish division is to lead a team to track a local thief by the name of Max "Uno" Juez of Las Ramblas, a now booming haven for thieves in the outskirts of Barcelona. Known as a man of a very few words by everyone around him, the veteran officer was given the diminished task of tracking this "local" thief. But even though the old detective was tasked to catch a small-time criminal, he knew that this petty thief had done something out of the ordinary to be included in Interpol's list of wanted criminals. Detective Soza's colleagues would think that catching this petty local criminal was just a waste of time, but not for Soza, never once did he discriminate against any task that was laid upon him. Small or large, the war veteran was in it for the thrill, breaking some bones and God willing, some skulls and backs to catch crooks. "Why do I need to catch these lowlife scums?" without hesitation he repeats the same response over and over again, with a short and precise sentence. "I'm a hunter, and these scums are my prey".

The veteran Interpol thirst for the thrills, the need to feel it flow in his veins, to feel the adrenaline shooting all throughout his body. Detective Carlino looks at the thick folder profile of the suspect placed on his desk. Never once he opens it. Because his colleagues knew he didn't work that way. He doesn't need to complete profiling any target, he doesn't need to. He works with his gut instinct, all he needs is the recent sighting location of the suspect and he's on to the target like a bloodhound finding its scent. Some of his colleagues would think he's a freak of nature on the kind of methods he uses to track down his suspects. As if he does it for the challenge, treating it like a game, thriving his egotistical drive. A condensed focus that the Interpol's methods have never been seen before. Detective Soza catches his man, sooner or later. And that's all he's good at. Nothing more nothing less.

"Detective Soza, we have Juez's location. Just waiting for your orders Sir!" radioed the voice from the dispatch. Soza's eyes lit up, a sparkle seemed to emanate from it, maybe it's the excitement of finally catching his prey. The same excitement he feels every new prospect pops up on the list for him to catch. "Finally" his dark brown eyes glaring after hearing the voice on the radio. "Order; take him down quickly" he said, speaking into the microphone with his right muscular arms holding the tiny piece of technology attached to his chest. Detective Soza possessed the aura of a hardened man who had witnessed plenty of action a newbie enforcer would ever dream of. In fact he would be equivalent to a skilled decorated general in terms of experience. He had the dark gray hair to show his tenureship in the field of action. And the scars to show that he wouldn't back down in a fight.

"Affirmed, we are now at the alleyway within the vicinity of Eglesias De Sta Ana, we have surrounded the target's premises'' said the voice from the transmitter. Detective Soza entered his 4 x 4 ragtop vehicle and proceeded to the exact location. His gaze builds into an intense focus as his grip tightens on the steering wheel.

Uno left the apartment perplexed, just realising he was now standing in the middle of the street, after reading the weird message he received from one of the stolen phones. Uno looked forward, noticing the place was eerily silent and sensed something unusual. He knew something was off, a feeling that always never betrayed him. A feeling he gets every time someone is out to get him. "A blitz", he would call it. An intense beat of his heart that warns of him of danger. Out of the corner of his eye, Uno caught a sight of a man walking slowly towards him. That's when he confirmed his good old intuition, "Blitz never lies" he thought. The man appearing out of nowhere was wearing a tactical vest, He looked to be about in his middle age years, very well built, tough looking fellow. His entire head was gray, which was the color of his hair. As the man was getting closer, Uno eyes "Interpol" written on his black tactical vest. "Mr. Juez, Your team is disposed of and I think you ought to join them" said the man as he came closer. Uno looked stunned, his alertness heightened immediately. "The Interpol?" he thought as they finally caught up with him with the crime he knew that would get him in this mess. There was only one thing that came to mind at that exact moment. "Escape".

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