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The married couple landed soon after and automatically got a room in a five star hotel. Something Siyeon had dreamt of back then. "Do you like it, love?" Jiu questions as her wife tackled her into a hug.

"Like? I love it even more so since you're here" Jiu giggled hugging siyeon back. "I love you" Once siyeon had said that both their hearts felt heavy. It was like the words I love you wasn't meant for the both of them.

It felt like a wrong puzzle piece yet Jiu still masked her feelings replying a. "I love you too" Before giving Siyeon a passionate kiss.

"Mhm~" Siyeon pulls away both their faces plastered a grin. "How about going to the beach later tonight?" Jiu offered as Siyeon nods happily. "Of course that will be fun" Siyeon lays her head on Jiu's chest afterwards.

Both feeling each other's warmth yet also feeling guilty. It will pass They both thought while Sua was gripping on Yoohyeon's thigh eating the life out of her.

"Mhm Minji I'm close~" Yoohyeon moans out attempting to grind her hips for more pleasure but the grip on her thigh made the younger steady.

Sua's groan as Yoohyeon's hands made it's way on sua's hair was enough to make the younger have her release. Yoohyeon's body jolting as Sua cleans yoohyeon up.

Both opening their eyes. "Hug me" Yoohyeon tiredly demanded as Sua obliges without question. Imagining that's what the two are living by on as their naked bodies pressed against each other.

"You-" Sua pulls away to see yoohyeon staring at her. "Yeah I'm ok" Yoohyeon pulls sua back in however sua declined standing up.

"I have to go dance academy waiting for me" Sua takes her clothes glancing at yoohyeon who had her entire body covered in a blanket.

"I'll see you later morning" Sua then entered the bathroom locking in the door behind her.

Yoohyeon grabs her phone for the thousand time today to check if Jiu somehow messaged her. In result she was met with no messages from the older.

I guess she's having fun in italy...with siyeon Yoohyeon laughed bitterly after hearing the door closed faintly from the outside indicating sua had left.

"I'm such a mess" Yoohyeon covers half of her face with her hand as tears starts to escape her eyes.

Yoohyeon's phone then vibrates on her free hand so with much desperation she opens her phone to see Jiu's text message.

It was quite blurry because of her tears but she managed to read faintly. Sorry I got back to you late me and siyeon went to the beach kinda relaxing here😃.

Yoohyeon unconsciously lets out a sigh placing the phone on her chest. "What are you doing to me minji?" Yoohyeon closes her eyes for a few minutes before replying with a.

I'm glad you're enjoying your vacation have fun😉. "Fake" Yoohyeon muttered before sending the message to jiu.


Sua was on her dance academy alone dancing to all kinds of music just to try distracting herself.

She has always done this. Dancing to be distracted from siyeon. Everytime she would even just think of the name Siyeon her heart would beat rapidly and break at the same time.

It was painful while in the past dancing did work to distract sua from siyeon it was very different now. All she could think about is Siyeon. Siyeon. Siyeon. And more siyeon.

What did I do to deserve this? Sua thought dancing more harder than before feeling her muscles already aching rom dancing for hours on end already.

Don't overwork yourself honey Siyeon's voice was heard by sua making the older look around. "Singnie?" Sua's voice wavers as she look everywhere but there was no siyeon. The reality just keeps hitting her.

That Sua's beloved singnie is married with another person. Snap out of it bora Sua stops the music grabbing the bottle of water laying on the floor.

She aggressively drinks the entire substance coughing afterwards. I hate this.

Sua felt her body ache making the only girl in the dance studio sit down on the floor groaning in pain.

Sua's phone then lights up prompting sua to stand up yet again picking up her phone.

We left things off in a bad note. Can we please talk?. It was siyeon's message.

Sua just stared blankly at the text message closing her phone afterwards.

Fuck her.

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