Chapter 1

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Ow, my head, what the hell was that? I remember I was walking near this one classroom and then there was this bright light followed by a sharp pain in my back.

She got up and stretched out before looking at her surroundings. She was in a crater, a massive crater, something that a bomb or something would make.

"Man, what is this place? Wait what's with my voice?" Our protagonist asked herself. "Am I a girl!?"

She checked herself, looking at her body proportions. She grabbed the large mounds on her chest, feeling sensitive, she let go not shortly after.

"Huh...I have boobs, now am I am futa?" She asked herself as she directed her attention to her waist.

She lifted her skirt and surely enough, there was no presence of male genitals. The appearance of the female genitals made her nose bleed.

"So I really am a girl, neat, what about the area outside this crater?"

She walked out of the crater, wiped her nose, and looked at her surroundings once more. Trees, there were trees as far as the eye could see.

"Where the hell am I?"

She looked behind herself to see more trees. She went to take a step, only to snap a piece of wood.

"Ok, so whatever made that crater destroyed a good portion of this forest, great for me because I can make a shelter."

Our protagonist picked up the sticks and began to strip them of their soft bark. She then made the bark into thin strips and began to weave a rope. She picked as many large sticks as possible and tied them together into a structure, before covering it in leaves and moss.

"Phew, it took a couple of hours but it is done, knew that those survival videos would come in handy, now to start a-"

A roar sounded out in the distance, followed by heavy footsteps rapidly approaching.

"Ah, something's come, uh, do I have a weapon do I have a weapon?!"

She fanatically looked around when the creature came. It was huge, taller than 3 meters, its entire body was covered in scales green in color, its eyes were a forest green in color. Its mouth was hanging open, exposing its jagged dagger-like teeth.

"What is this…is this some sick joke, why the hell is some dragon-like creature doing here?"

Terrifying, she did the only thing she could do at that moment. She turned around and ran for her life. The dragon chased after, its steps shaking the ground.

"Shit shit shit shit shit!"

The dragon was slowly closing the distance, with no sign of tiring.

"Oh man oh man, I wish I could do something to defend myself right now!"

《Would you like to obtain the Unique Skill: Sandalphon?》 Some voice asked.

"Eh? Something to defend me, hell yeah!"

《Obtained Unique Skill: Sandalphon》

"Alright, now how do I activate it…Come to me Sandalphon!"

Nothing happened, the dragon was closer now as they both ran.

"Why the fuck did I get this if I don't know how to use this!"

She continued running until she ran upon a cliffside. The dragon was close now, too close. Taking her chances, our protagonist jumped off the cliff falling several kilometers down.

"OW! SHIT!" She said as she fell on a few tree branches.

She looked up at the dragon, the dragon looked back at her, turning around and giving up.

"Woohoo!" Our protagonist cheered.

Man, that hurt but it was worth getting away…

Her eyelids fluttered and closed, falling asleep.

Please leave your thoughts, they will be greatly appreciated I will be switching to first person perspective on the next chapter

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