A Sonnet for the Sea

10 2 2

She is lost to limits of endless blue
Salt and sea satisfy her senses
Whilst the arcadian tide draws closer to
A lachrymose soul with few incentives.

On the radiant sand, where feet may fail
The boundless sea offers a fading promise;
So that she might not grow more pale
Than the merciless ailment has made her

The gelid waters sting her ankles like bees,
As she wades deeper into the promise of relief
Gentle as a kiss, she feels a final breeze
Before the salty sea sweeps away her grief

Footsteps still mar the sand into the sea,
While the ambiguous waves rock only debris


I hope this looks better when it's published because it looks terrible right now and we really only do this for the ☆aesthetic☆

But I normally don't write sonnets because 1: they have a thousand and one rules (Written in Iambic Pentameter - The 14 lines of the sonnet consist of three divisions, known as ‘quatrains’ with a couplet at the end. Formatted in ABAB CDCD EE pattern. And there has to be EXACTLY ten syllables per line. It's like writing a FREAKING puzzle!)

2: I really prefer a simple freestyle where I can let all hell loose onto my paper.

3: They're SUPER specific. Did I say that already? Oops.

But anyway, I hope you could understand it? If not, think about cancer and the desire to die on your own terms as you re-read it.

Love you all,
- kat ♡

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