The angel I saw (Part 1 of 4) -Reshiram x Reader-

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(Y/N)'s POV

Walking during the night has always been one of my favorites hobbies, every person and pokemon should be asleep by this hour, but tonight something felt different, like someone was watching me, and it crept the hell out of me, and I... Oh no. I got so lost in my thoughts I didn't realize where I was walking! And for worse I ended up in the forest. I started to walk the other way to see if I could find a way out, but I only got deeper in the woods. And everything got worse, when shadow covered me from behind.

-Please don't hurt me!- I exclaimed, pleading for my life as I covered my face with my arms, turning around in a defensive position, and my eyes closed from the fear.

-You don't have to be afraid, I won't hurt you- A gentle, velvety and masculine voice spoke, I slowly lowered my arms, and my eyes opened widely as the beautiful, white haired and strangely familiar young man that stood in front of me, blood rushed inside me, in direction to my face as a light brush crept up to it.

-Who are you?...- I softly asked, my voice barely audible as I tried my best to not stutter, he warmly smiled and the blush only intensified, I could feel my heart beating slightly faster, my hand instinctively reaching to my chest and clutching to the fabric of my shirt.

-Even though you might not believe me, I am Reshiram, the legendary Fire Dragon, and may I know who are you?- He was right, I didn't believe him at all, but something about him told me that he was telling the truth, I looked at him, raising an eyebrow, questioning him.

-I'm (Y/N), and do you expect me to believe that?- I asked him, unintentionally sounding rougher than what I wanted.

Reshiram's POV

The way she looked at me confirmed my supposition, I raised my hand to the level of my chest and made a gesture with the other, telling her to step back a bit, after she moved, I made a medium size flame appear in the palm on my hand, she jumped back from the scare, and a few seconds after her eyes lit up in excitement and curiosity, the light of the flame reflecting in her eyes.

-Woah...- She softly muttered, I laughed softly and the flame slowly died, until it dissappeared completely.

-May I ask what is a young lady doing out here at night?- I asked her, she shook her head getting out of he toughts, she looked over her shoulder, laughing nervously and scratching the back of her head.

-Well, I ... Got lost while taking my usual nightwalk- She said in embarassment, her voice lowering as she spoke.

-If you want to I could take you back to your house- I suggested, she looked at me and nodded happily, in one quick movement, I lifted her from the ground bridal style, as I spread my wings and flew into the sky, a small squeak escaped from her (S/C) lips, making me laugh softly.

-Can you see your house from here?- I asked, the soft wind caressing, she slowly opened one eye and nodded, pointing in the right direction, I held her closer and felt her cling to my body, her body trembling softly.

-It's this one?- I asked her gently, once again on the ground, she opened both eyes, and nodded, I let her stand up for herself.

-Umm thanks for, bringing me home- She whispered, without no warning she suddenly leaned in to kiss my cheek, but my body moved for itself and made her lips crash with mine, my eyes slowly closed as I felt her dive into the kiss, I felt so blissful and incredibly warm, in a way I've never experienced, after a few minutes we had to break apart for air, knocking my forehead with hers, her beautiful (E/C) orbs met with my blue ones, in a moment that felt like it lasted for an eternity.

-I...- I tried my best to apologize, she closed my lips by kissing me again, this time being shorter, I felt my cheeks heat up, is this what humans call ''blushing''? Probably yes. She smiled and blushed too, her warm breath mixing with mine.

-You already back sis-Ohmigosh!- Another young lady, who I suppose is her older sister, shouted in surprise, (Y/N) turned around, and waved at her.

-Hey sis, I was just- She was suddenly cut by the giggles of the other girl, who smiled playfully at us.

-If you were meeting with your boyfriend at least tell me so I don't bother you- I knew the meaning of that word, and I couldn't do nothing but blush harder, she left and closed the door, a few moments later (Y/N) started to walk towards her home and opened the door, before she managed to close it I grabbed her by her wrists, turning her around so she faced me.

-Can I come to see you tomorrow?- I sheepishly asked, she warmly smiled at me and nodded.

-Sure! Good night Reshiram- She answered, we both waved goodbye and as soon as she closed the door, I flew into the starry sky, slightly sad since I had to wait till tomorrow to see her again, I flew to a cave in the woods we were previously, as my mind drifted to what happened to me tonight, I still felt her lips in mine, her sweet flavour on my mouth, as I drifted in the most relaxing sleep I ever had.

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