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      "Cause Tonight gonna be a good good night!." Ariana shouted. "Gosh can you turn that down." I said as she looked at me."oh sorry" she said. We pulled over in a small parking lot in front of the club. I got out of the car, waiting for Ariana to come out out.

You know that feeling when someone's watching you?. That's exactly what I felt. "Are you okay?". I heard Ariana say. i turned to her, "yea" I said as I walked towards the club, looking at a particular area near the club

Surprisingly, The club wasn't that  full today. Just few people dancing and a little at the bar. "I'm going to get a drink" Ariana said.
"Okay" I said as she walked away.

I went to the corner of the bar and took out my phone from my bag. Immediately I felt hands on my waist, which made me drop my phone. I looked back and saw a man wearing all black. The man dragged me to an empty place, trying to get something out from his pocket. I tried running but he caught my fist and brought me closer to him. He was holding an injection, I felt my eyes open . I didn't know what to do so I hit him in between his legs, making him to fall down to the ground. I had that opportunity to run, So I did.

My head was spinning and it felt like I was going to throw up again.
My heel broke and I fell to the ground. I looked behind and saw the man standing up. I removed the heels completely and stood up, Trying to run as fast as I could.

When I looked at the side, I saw a man running towards me. He held my hands with a tight grip. " Adesso" " Now" the man holding me said as the other man pierced me with the injection. "What the fuck did you do!" I shouted as all I could see was black.


I woke up with a pounding headache. My memory, reminding me of what happened yesterday. I realised I wasn't in my room. I looked around, I was on a big bed with white bed sheet and every other thing in the room was white.
I gently stood up, not wanting to trigger my head. I started breathing louder and harder than usual, which often happens a lot when I'm confused or scared. "Okay. Calmtge fanculo" " calm the fuck dowm" I said to my self.
    I went to the bathroom and washed my faced. "Think" I murmured to myself. I heard the door open and I peeked through the small space from the toilet door. I saw a woman standing beside the bed. "Madame, please come out." she said as I sighed and went to the room.

    She gave a gentle smile as I lightly smiled back at her in response." Morning" she said as I nodded. " your finally awake" she said as my brows came together. "How long have I been here?". I asked. She looked worried, " you've been out for three days dear." she said as leaned back to the door. My parents, my friends, Micella. I thought. They would be worried. I inhaled and walked towards the woman. "Why the hell am I here!?." I said trying to keep a bold face. My mom always told me, if your not bold, your weak. And when your weak your vulnerable. "I dont think I'm meant to say it. Be patient and wait for the time" she said as she walked towards the door. "You just freaking kidnapped me!." I shouted back as she closed the door behind her.

I walked up and down in the room, wondering what I should do. I looked at the door and finally made up my mind to come out of the room. I opened the door and I saw men standing in front of my door.

They were the same men from yesterday. "Boss was right, she is special " I heard the man say as the other nodded. I closed the door, trying to hold it back. But they pushed in and entered the room. "Just stay calm and it would be quick" the man said as I nodded left and right. He grabbed my hand and brought me closer to him. I felt disgusted, so I screamed. So loud that people from outside would hear me. "You bitch!." The man shouted as he hit my head. I fell to the ground, hitting my head on the ground. "Come on, I'm not done with her" the other man said as he brought me up. His hand went to my waist. He gripped it firmly and started kissing my neck.
Immediately, I heard the door barge open, I saw a man with short  black hair. He looked at me and the men beside and behind me. "Your Boss would be angry if he hears about this". The man said as they both let go of me. "No! No! "  they shouted. " please dont tell boss. We'll leave" one said as the other brought out a gun and pointed it at the man that just came in. But he also got out a gun and immediately shot the two men beside me

   I trembled in fear, thinking he was going to kill me. He walked towards me and put the gun in his pocket. "Your a loud person. That's good" he said as he tapped my shoulder. "Be careful. Let's go" he said as I was confused. He walked out of the room and I immediately followed behind him

Who could that be.what do you think?💝.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2021 ⏰

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