Chapter 11

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Pranati was mesmerized listening whatever Reyansh spoke with Jugnu, she again saw a responsible father in him who made all his efforts to make her daughter realize the worth of being educated. Pranati was just staring at him in awestruck.

After walking some distance from there Pranati said "Thank you!!" . Reyansh just smiled and resumed walking, she too walked with small smile on her face. Once again she was seeing her old Reyansh who was making her strong with his words. Pranati turned back and saw her daughter, who was looking at ground and her mind is thinking seriously. Pranati smiled and said "Look at my Jugnu, how cute she is looking in deep thoughts. Rey I just want my daughter to enjoy her every moment not like this thinking seriously about something. Lets make something for her now."

Pranati looked around and saw a sugar candy making person, she immediately went there and purchased two, one in pink, another in blue. She gave pink one to Rey and was about to go for Jugnu, but suddenly she was dragged back by Reyansh, he looked into her eyes. She can see the emotions in his eyes.

"Do you remember it?" He asked.

"I never forget it Rey." She replied and went towards Jugnu giving her the blue one.

"Thank you" she said looking at Pranati.

"I couldn't believe my ears... Jugnu said thanks! Oh god, thank you so much for giving my child such a good behaviour." Pranati said to make Jugnu mood light.

"Oh stop it!! by the way I learnt it from you thank. So don't do over action now, and I am fine " told Jugnu seriously.

"But I don't feel so, anyways enjoy your candy." Told Pranati and sat beside Jugnu.

Jugnu is liking this sugar candy so much. "By the way, how do you know that I like blue sugar candy?" Asked Jugnu innocently.

"It's so simple Jugnu, till date have you ever behaved like a girl, and your friend gattu(who lives in orphanage with Jugnu) he told me when he was with me." Said Pranati.

"Ohh you remember that?" Jugnu asks surprisingly.

"Ofcourse baby, I will remember everything which belongs to you." Pranati says and hugs her. For the first time Jugnu didn't retard but hugged her back.

Looking at that Reyansh understood Jugnu is changing into emotional.

"Arey waah, this is nice. I brought you both to this place, you guys are enjoying without me huh?" Asks Reyansh disturbing the mother-daughter moment.

"Yeah, of course... Because you're enjoying your pink sugar candy,right?"  taunts Jugnu.

"By the way, why you're eating pink one. You're a boy... And as of I know boys don't like pink right?" Questioned  Jugnu innocently. Reyansh had remembered the reason why he likes only pink sugar candy not any other meanwhile Pranati smoothly tousled Jugnu hair and told "This is the one of those memories which makes him feel his mother is near him. In his childhood he used to get this whenever his mother took him to the park and that's why this pink one is special for him."

Reyansh just admired pranati at that moment. He told this when they were in college, almost 9 years passed. Pranati looked into Reyansh eyes, those told the depth feelings of his heart, she saw the glint of admiration for her along with small spark of love in those pair of eyes which she loved with her whole life before. Reyansh smiled sadly remembering his mother, Jugnu smiled at her parents and patted her hand on Rey's.

"Don't worry bandar papa, I'll get it to you whenever I we come here." Said Jugnu making Reyansh more emotional, he hugged her tightly as if he got his mother back. Pranati who witnessing this smiled and remembered her college days where Rey told he want a baby girl who makes him perfect.

'My baby is changing her father, let this happen and make her get father love too. Oh god! Please make this happen. I want my daughter to get both mom and dad love.' prayed Jugnu looking at them. Unknown tears fell from her eyes, she quickly wiped them and smiled looking the father and daughter.

Somewhere in Reyansh heart he is accepting relationship with Pranati along with Jugnu and Pranati also wishing to be with Reyansh along with her daughter. In Jugnu's heart that Jugnu is breaking every wall of hatred who longed for parents love at her tender age.

After few minutes they left from there, they went to a restaurant and ordered everything which is Jugnu's favourite. She enjoyed her meals and they left from there to home.

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