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?? POV


Well how would you describe this word..??

A beautiful and small figure of human being with having a only purpose of getting played by them... Right...?

Hmmm ...when we were child, we loved to play with them.We get fascinated by their beauty and charm but as we grow older with the passage of time,we slowly and steadily started forgetting about them don't we..?

And than there's a time came in our life when we totally forget about them because at that age playing with them consider irrational and may be immature too, so we left them behind alone.
Because at that stage we learn to play with real humans rather than with their beautiful puppets

We really are selfish ain't we..? ?.. But it doesn't mean we're bad.. Because we all are selfish in some or other way around.. We all are same in some way. So don't worry about that.

And for Doll. It never take its Vengeance from us for getting played and left behind because a Doll is destined for giving Redemption.. For


Hmmm...clitchy..ain't it..?

For some of you the word Doll may sound very much childish and sometimes may be immature and cringy too but let me tell you a secret.

My entire life and existence revolves around this word..

My everything is based upon this 1 syllable because like any other Doll, I am someone's doll too..


And the only difference between us and him is that he never left his Doll alone and never forget about it .He gave his everything to his Doll.. His entire life and made her the reason of his living, made her


"Doll.... "

That beautiful and deep voice is the reason of my heart beating . My everything, my life, my love, my better half and most importantly my Soul



A beautiful smile crept on her face hearing that husky voice and feeling the Warmness of his alluring embrace caged on her entire body making her to close her big doe eyes and got completely drowned in him.

"Hmmm...well what are you thinking my Doll........ ?" He spoke pulling her body more closer to his touching her back against his chest while surrounding his strong arms around her big yet cute tummy making her smile to widened.

"Nothing just trying to heard my own heartbeat ..... " She replied making him a little confused.

"And why's that..? "

Her smile turned more big hearing him. She held his palm and placed it over her chest

"Because I felt like my heart beat was missing but now it's beating perfectly..because now the reason of its beating is nearer to it. "

An alluring smile appeared on his face hearing her precious words and feeling her beautiful heart beating against his skin.

He held her more protectively and closed his eyes too and they both got completely lost in each other.. Like they held their entire world in their embrace.

Y/n felt the beautiful presence of her life holding her until she heard the beat of his heart which was beating in perfect synchronization with her. She smiled and slowly opened her eyes

REDEEMING VENGEANCE (Kth🔞ff) Where stories live. Discover now