Feast of Fortuna ♡ | ✨

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20th of August, 2018

Hi! Anyone missed me? Probably not.

Request: Can I have a frank x male reader

I'm sorry for being inactive (not that many would miss me), but I had the ending of the school year and then 3 weeks without wifi. So here have a kinda overdue request. I hope you all like it, and please give me pointers if you find any.


Everything was a bit hectic. The feast of Fortuna is coming up, and in addition to the normal games and offerings Camp Jupiter would do, the Senate decided to put in a new activity, a prom. Because ever since the war with Gaia, Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter are trying to work together, or at least adjust a little. Which means when the Senate caught wind of the parties done at Camp-Half Blood, they wanted to try. I mean, it fits perfectly between military training, right? Instead of a party, the Senate decided to call it a prom because it 'sounded more formal'.

But all this meant, of course, boy asking girls. And girls asking girls, girls asking boys, boys asking boys- you name it. This was also the reason why you were bugging your dear friend Frank on who he was going to ask. Maybe you had hopes he would ask you, maybe he wanted to ask someone else – like Hazel for example. Either way, you wanted to know.

'C'mon, Frank. Just tell me!' Frank, a blushing mess by now, just shook his head. 'No! Just, I first want to ask alright?' You moved closer to Frank, who was sandwiched between you and the wall. 'When are you going to ask?' you whispered to him suspiciously. Frank's blush seemed to deepen, but you weren't sure. 'I-I...' he stuttered. 'You?' you moved away and Frank took a breath. 'I don't know how to ask.' He stated. You nodded slowly, 'Just ask them?' you inquired, but Frank shook his head. 'It isn't that easily. I am pretty sure that they won't like me, because of various reasons, and I don't want to ruin everything.' Frank looked down. 'They?' you narrowed your eyes. Frank's blush returned, but he remained silent. 'Frank, who are they? Because I don't know anyone that goes by those pronouns?' Frank shook his head a little. 'I-I don't want to tell you what their gender is.' You felt your stomach knot together. Why wouldn't he tell you? He didn't know you were gay- but it never came up. At least he should know your opinion on the matter, because you voiced that loud and clear.

In the meantime Frank was freaking out. He slipped- now you could figure out that he liked guys. Not just any guy though, he liked you. Frank did know you wouldn't judge him for liking guys, but he didn't want to scare you away. Because Frank liked how things were now- sure he wanted more, but you were comfortable enough around him to move close. To hug him, or waltz him between you and the wall like you had done just now. Because when you did, he could admire you from up close, how your eyes shined, the warmth coming from you, how you slightly smirked whenever he got nervous, how-

'FRANK!' said boy suddenly was shaken out of his trance. 'Uhm- what?' 'You were gone for a minute there, buddy. I said I would help you ask, whoever it is. Alright?' Frank nodded slowly, while also slowly regretting agreeing to you. How was he supposed to ask you, when you would help him?

'Alright, plan A. Because you are way too nervous to ask, maybe you could just leave them a note. C'mon, make a note.' You handed Frank a pen and paper, while he shyly nodded. Your hands brushed against each other, and you felt a bit of regret. Now that you're helping him, he couldn't like you. You let out a small sigh, as you glanced at Frank. Right at the moment, he looked up and handed you the note. 'W-what do you think?' he asked you. You looked down, and read the note.

'Would you like to go to prom with me? ⃝ Yes ⃝ No'

You looked back at Frank. 'That's perfect, buddy! Go get them!' you said, handed back the note, turned around and walked away, feeling a lump in your throat.

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