Only Lily...

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Picture of their new house on the side.


Charlie's POV

All day I'd been getting wierd looks, but not as bad as Alex, his face was still swollen and purple from the beating I had given him at the bar last night.
Just as I was pulling up to the house with Lily beside me, as I had to pick her up from school, I noticed that there was a police car parked outside our house.

"Wait here" I said to Lily giving her a stern look that she knew not to break the rules when I give her the look.

I quickly get out of the car after safley parking it on our drive and casually walk over to the police car.

"Is there a problem?" I ask in my sweet innocent geeky voice

"Are you Charlie Brown?" She asks me

"Yeah" I answer unsure of what she wants

"Okay, down to business, we have recently been contacted regarding the fact that you, a 17 year old is living on her own with the company of a small 6 year old girl named Lily, Is this or is this not true?" she questioned, I was now frigtened for mine and Lily's saftey and she could be taken away from me. How did they find out?

"Yes, it's true" I replied sadly

"Okay, We need to take you and lily to a foster house becuase you are underage" She replied sturnly

"NO!" I screamed getting rid of my good girl act, "She's safe, Were fine"

I wasn't risking being split up from lily, not after everything we've been through. We've been fine for 4 years, how did they find out!?

"I'm sorry, but you don't have a choice in the matter, we have found a perfect home for you and your sister" She said matter-of-factually, "they have a kid of there own and lily would fit in and you could still look after her" She added with sympathy in her voice.

"NO!" I screamed, "we're fine, Please" I pleaded, but I knew that we were getting nowhere.


We both had to pack up everything, they wouldn't leave us alone. I tried everything, but they said it was for our own saftey. I can't do anything, and it hurts to see lily like this. She's scared becuase she has always been shy and now she's getting put in the care of someone else.

We're sat in the police car with the very little amount of things that we own getting driven to this new home. We have been in the car for about 30 minutes now and it's so boring, just looking out the window and seeing all the nice posh houses for the rich people whereas we had been living in a single bedroom flat that had enough space for us and could afford with the money I earned from fighting.

We finally arrive at this new place and lily is shaking and i'm trying to calm her down, but it's not working. She really shouldn't be in this situation, they should have just left us be. The police women knocks on the door of our new house an a middle aged women opens the door with a grin on her face.

"Thankyou" She smiled at the officer and she left us there after putting our 2 bags beside us.

"Hi?" I questioned not really knowing what to do now that we have been abandoned at this strange house with these strange people who are supposed to look after us now, like what the f**k?

"Oh sweethearts, you can call me mum or Ally, whatever you choice" she smiled at us and ushered us into the house.

I could feel lily tense up next to me as we entered this stange house that was more of a mansion.

"This is your new sister" Ally said as she motioned to a small little girl around the same age as Lily."Amber, This is Charlie and Lily, your new sisters"

"Come on Lily, let me show you the play room" Amber said to lily smiling, she probaly had always wanted another person to play with in this massive house. Lily looked at me wide-eyed scared of what will happen, but I just nodded and smiled at her and she detached her arm from around my arm and follwed Amber turning to look at me and I smiled at her back. She giggled and ran of, maybe this isn't such a bad thing for her.

"Well, Charlie, Let me show you your room" Ally said as she motioned up the stairs and I simply nodded my head.

She lead me up the maze of stairs and finally opened a door to a massive room with a big king-sized bed in the middle and a 2 doors leading of. I turned to ally wide-eyed, "This is my room?" I asked

"yeah, make yourself home" She said and left.

I put my bag on the bed and looked at made sure that I still had the money with me. I hung the clothes up in the closet which was one of the rooms that was joined to the bedroom, the other a small bathroom. I hung all my black clothes on one side and all my "Nerdy" Clothes on the other and put all my sports shorts and Bras In one of the draws and put the few shoes I had on the floor under the relevant clothes (heels under black / ugly trainers under "Nerdy" clothes).

Once i was finished I headed downstairs to get a drink, but was caught of guard when i heard Ally in the kitchen on the phone. "Yeah, the girls are here. I still don't want the Charlie, but she had to come with Lily. Lily is so sweet and cute she is a perfect sister for Amber, but Charlie, she just doesn't fit in. I know andy, but couldn't you just get rid of her, dump her in a foster home or something. Okay"

I knew that this was too much of a fantacy to be real, they only wanted cute lily. I turned around and headed back to my room, when I heard giggling. I followed the sound and found Amber and Lily playing, ive never seen her so happy since our parents died. maybe I should just leave and let Lily have a happy life on her own here. I could go back to our old house and live how I was before without worring what lily was doing, or if she had eaten or anything, i could be myself, once and for real. Just as i was about to head back up to my room to pack My bags, I heard a soft voice calling my name.

"Charlie?" Lily said as she noticed me in the doorway staring at her,


"Come and play with me" She asked, but i knew i should just leave her and let amber play with her. Ive already mucked up her life once and I shouldn't do it again.

"Sorry lily, I really have to do my homework" I replied sadly walking over to her and hugging her, not wanting to let her go.

"Please" She begged, but I just shaked my head no and walked of to my room to re-pack everything.

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