The day Sam wish never came

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Sam POV:
I woke up again at 530am and got dressed for today and went into the kitchen and got a snack bar and grabbed my key, wallet and jumper and got into my car and drove off to work.
Once i got there I walked into the firehouse and straight to the locker room where i placed my stuff and looked up to there my old necklace i wore everyday with everyone's name on it even Phillip .

The necklace:

I sat down the bench that was in the locker room holding it in my hands nobody knew i had it in there to be far nobody knew what was in my locker

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I sat down the bench that was in the locker room holding it in my hands nobody knew i had it in there to be far nobody knew what was in my locker. When i heard someone come in i put it in my locker and shut the door to my looker and i saw Kelly walk in..

Kelly's POV:
I walked into the looker room cause, when Sam came in she wasn't herself and what i mean by herself is her funky, smiling self she was down something was on her mind "hey Sam how are you?" I asked her "I'm good how about you and what can i do for you?" She asked smiling "I'm good just checking how you are cause you seemed a bit down when you walked into work today not enough sleep or something?" I asked and she had like a scared face on "yeah just didn't get enough sleep" then she walked out.
I looked at her locker wondering what was in it cause nobody knew even chieft didn't even know what was in it she just kept it safe and that's how she rolled when it came to the locker room then i walked out.

Sam POV:
When Kelly said that I didn't look like myself i got scared cause i pretty much didn't get sleep last night cause i was thinking about my siblings and mum.
I walked out into the main room when a call came in Squad 3, ambo 61 car crash 551 Elizabeth drive. I got up and ran to the truck and got into my work uniform and hopped in.
When we got to the crash there was a car flipped over and a car crashed into a tree "Capp, Cruz and ferraris go get the car in the tree me and Sam will get the other go go go!" Kelly said we both ran over to the flipped car "Gabby i need a neck collar to the flipped car NOW!" I said over my radio.
Gabby came running over with a neck board "here" she said "thanks. Hey can you hear me" i said getting on my back on the ground and crawling into the car cause i was small and Kelly could not get in "yes i can" "okay that's good I'm going to put this on your neck, what's your name?" I asked the person "Jessica" the woman said "Hello Jessica i am Samantha and you just need to to be still for a minutes okay" I told her "okay" "KELLY WE NEED TO GET HER OUT!" I yelled at him "JUST GIVE ME A SECOND SAM!" Then the side door came off and she was put into the ambo and for the other car he was drunk and was speeding and some how he didnt get hurt on some scratched that was it.

Back at the station:
Still Sams POV:
I got out of squad and took off my stuff and went to go get my phone and when i had it in my hand i got a call from mum which was weird
Sam: Hello?
Sam: Emma?! Alright I'm coming now don't leave my room lock the door
Sam: Alright good I'll be there as quick as I can it will be okay
Sam: Yes I'm coming sweetie I'm going to call the police just hold on
Sam: Okay
Shit no no no that was running through my mind when i hung up i ran out of the fire station with everyone looking at me when i ran out but i didnt care as soon has i got into the car i ran 911
dispatcher: 9-1-1 what's your emergency
Sam: hello I'm am Samantha Rose from firehouse 51 and i need a police and ambo to 76 Commercial Street now please
Dispatcher: okay what's happened
Sam: my siblings are in the house with my mother and she is trying to kill them
Dispatcher: okay ambo and police are going there now
Sam: thank you
I hung up and ran into the house

Kelly POV Back at the station:
When we got back from the car crash, Sam walked into the locker room to get something when i heard yelling from in the locker room than all of a sudden. Sam came running out with a scared face and go into her car and left in a hurry.
Everyone looked at 3am other confused "What the hell just happen?" Gabby asked "I don't know but she was in a hurry to get somewhere" i replied to gabby question. "Where is Sam" chief asked when walking in "umm she just left and in a hurry too" Casey told chief "do any of you know why?" He asked "nope but she did have a worried face on she went into the locker room and there was yelling in there then she ran out and got into her car" Casey told chief "hm okay" chief said walking off.

Sam POV:
I ran up the stairs to where my mum was outside my old bed room door that were Emma, Jackson and Phillip were hiding "MUM STOP WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO YOUR OWN KIDS!" I yelled at her "getting what they deserved" she said smiling turning to me "what do they deserve mother" i looked at her dead in the eyes "you know what the actually don't deserve anything it you who should" she said walking towards me "mum what do i deserve" I backed up walking down the stairs "to never been born you the reason your farther left me it's because you were born the ugliest thing I've ever met!" She said walking down the stairs "HE LEFT BECAUSE OF YOU WHEN I WAS 14 YEARS OLD I WAS LOOKING AFTER YOU AND WHEN EMMA, JACKSON AND PHILLIP WERE BORN I WAS LOOKING AFTER THEM, WHEN I GOT A JOB AS A FIREFIGHTER YOU WERENT PROUD OF ME YOU JUST GOT MORE ANGRY WITH ME THAN YOU STARTED TO DROP THEM OFF AT MY HOUSE WHEN I MOVED OUT CAUSE YOU COULDNT TAKE CARE OF THEM AFTER A LONG FUCKING DAY YOU DROPPED THEM OFF AND I STILL GO TO WORK SO THINK BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING!!" I yelled at my mother i was feed up with her crap i let it out little did i know Emma and Jackson were at the top of the stairs listening.
Then mum came at me and punched me in the mouth and the eye which are now bruised. Then the police came in "POLICE PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR NOW!!" A police man said "YOU CALLED THE POLICE YOU LITTLE BRAT!" Mum yelled at me. "You are under arrest for the tempt of abuse" the policeman said cuffing my mum up "YOU WILL AWLAYS BE NOTHING SAMANTHA!" She yelled at me whilst i got off the floor just looking at her getting dragged away.

To be continued.......

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