POV - Scott

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Ever since Stiles had been kidnapped, we had become very protective of her. So when she started acting weird – missing meetings, bailing last minute, and leaving Pack meetings early – we took it very seriously. How she dressed had changed as well, and she'd grown her hair out. She hated having long hair before she was taken.

She was sitting on one of the chairs in Derek's loft, smiling and typing away on her phone. A blush tinted her cheeks, and her heart sped up slightly; making all the werewolves' heads snap up to look at her, but she didn't pay us any attention.

Don't get me wrong, I was glad to see that she was happy, but Pack meetings were not the place to let your mind wander. We might not have been talking about anything important or about the Supernatural, but I'd never seen her act like this.

"Boring you, are we Stiles?" Derek asked, slamming a heavy book onto the coffee table when she didn't answer straight away.

"Huh?" She muttered, finally looking up from the screen of her phone, "I agree on the plan of action and I'll research later." She went back to texting whoever it was that had her so distracted.

We all looked at each other, before looking towards Stiles; who was, once again, smiling like an idiot again.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Great, actually." She said, pocketing her phone in her plaid dress, getting up, and heading towards the door, "I'm heading out now. Don't know if I'll answer my phone right away, but leave me a message if you need me."

"Wait! Where are you going now?" Derek stood up, as she pulled the door open, "We have Pack nights for a reason."

"Out. See you later." And she left. Again, only the werewolves heard the sound of her Jeep starting and going off into the distance.

Everybody turned to look at me, as if I had all the answers to everything that was going on with her. I might be her best friend, but we had secrets that we kept from each other. But one thing was for certain... I was going to find out what she was hiding from us.


I didn't get a chance to follow Stiles for a couple of weeks. School, the Supernatural, and her ability to sneak around and change the subject always seemed to get in the way. Never underestimate the only human and her ability to avoid things she didn't want to talk about, and evade anybody who was trying to find out what she was up to; especially when she was the daughter of a cop – the Sheriff to be exact.

Her text came through just before the start of the meeting, telling us that something had come up last minute. That she was sorry, but it was important and she couldn't miss it. What the hell was more important then a meeting about the latest Supernatural creature?

So we decided to follow her. We would all start at her house, pick up her scent, and go off in different directions to try to find out where she had gone.

Also, let's say that the Sheriff was not best pleased to have a load of teenagers descend on his house. Told us to leave her alone. That she was safe. But we didn't listen.

All of the wolves could pick up on a mystery scent, but it didn't overpower the scent of Stiles and her dad. It was musky, but a day or two old. Could just be a friend of the families.

"Everybody got it?" I asked, and everybody nodded, "Lydia, go with Aiden, Danny with Ethan, and Allison with Isaac. We all know the plan, so let's find her."

We all split off, going in our separate directions to take a different part of Beacon Hills, and meeting back at the loft when we'd done our sweep, or found her. Hopefully our search wouldn't take too long. I just wanted to find out what she was keeping from us.

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