Together or Apart

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Everyone else raised a hand to their eyes, while Halilintar finally got the energy to sit up from the floor, shaking away the last remaining twinges of lightning that ate at his spine.

"Boboiboy—" And it was at this point that two voices, though identical with two different lilts and personalities, merged into one, "FrostFire!"

In the back, Reverse smiled slyly, saying "That's cheating. Good job.", just as a big grin bloomed on Solar's face. "That's genius!"

From the waving smoke stood FrostFire's figure, a proud smile, a familiar bow and a flashy outfit. "I know!" He, or they, said.

FrostFire crouched down low like a tiger about to spring. "Everybody find a partner and fuse— meanwhile, Reverse, get over here!"

Each element turned to the one closest to them; in an instant a variety of yells were heard of a plethora of different names, and seven different noisy voices calmed down into four.

"Boboiboy Gentar—" "Boboiboy Sopan!"

Thorn groaned. "Why am I alone?!"

FrostFire rained fire on Reverse as he spun into the air to take hold of his bow, and Reverse grinned, winked at him, and then turned to run, throwing his whole body forward for momentum.

Arrows came raining much faster than before; more precisely, blazing and freezing all at once, while ice formations blocked Reverse's way before being melted by fire that, regardless of the lack of ice blocks, made puddles of water that made it easy for Reverse to lose his footing.

But Reverse just stumbled lightly into one puddle of water before turning it into his advantage and using the slippery floor to glide around fast, therefore dodging the arrows that hounded after him at such a rapid pace that even the speed boost to FrostFire's own shooting did nothing.

FrostFire frowned, and dropped down from the floor to splash into the puddles of water, just as Gentar ran right past him wielding such a ridiculously large hammer it put Amy Rose to shame, sending droplets in all four directions as he went.

"Come ON, FF!" Gentar smiled, swinging carelessly at Reverse like he was trying to play a game of whack-a-mole, and Reverse laughed along with him, dodging and crouching.

"Eh, can't you be patient for once?" FrostFire complained, holding down an arrow, trying to follow the two ridiculously fast combatants.

"Gentlemen!," Sopan came in from the side, fanning an incredibly powerful burst of wind that made Reverse and Gentar stop in their tracks to dig the heels of their boots into the ground and stand firm against the raging wind. "Let's settle this with some class, shall we?"

"Exactly who are the 'ladies' here?!" FrostFire barked, letting his arrow go once the wind dissipated. It seemed even the sophisticated fusions were prone to the bouts of arguing that the elementals found themselves constantly wrangled in.

Reverse leaned to the side to dodge the arrow, then immediately having to lean to the other as Gentar's hammer came in like a wrecking ball. Reverse jumped back a few tiles, a teasing grin on his lips.

Gentar sneered back. "I'll win."

Reverse held out two hands to the side, taunting the other boy. "By all means, prove it to me."

Gentar put both hands tight on the handle of his hammer; Sopan held the fan in front of him, let an unimpressed look fall on his face, then glided a hand over it— and every inch his palm moved away from the base of the fan, every inch of a glowing blade of light was revealed. FrostFire just raised his fists and jabbed in front of him testily.

They set off— all three of the fusions with a squeak of metal boots against tile and hurrahs. Sopan brandished his keris carefully, holding himself with elegance. Gentar and Frostfire meanwhile, had nothing holding back their eagerness.

Reverse pocketed his own coal black bayonet calmly, placing it carefully back into its holder on his thigh, standing straight to his full height. He reached somewhere behind his back— and pulled out a karambit, its blade curved like a claw.
Sopan's previously controlled face broke into a calm grin. Yes, he approved: A sophisticated weapon is best suited to fight only another sophisticated one.

The fusion of Solar and Taufan ran ahead, a clear combination of Taufan's lack of common sense in the face of potential entertainment and Solar's cockiness shining through. He held his keris by his side, charged, carefully inhaled— and thrust his weapon with all he had in Reverse's direction.

Reverse didn't react slowly. He held his hands folded into his chest with a very tactical air, then, in a very contradictory, innovative and un-tactical like move, flipped the karambit from tucked within his palm to out in a second, the blade curling around his hand like it was lashing out, and clanging with the light of Sopan's keris.

Sopan took a single step back, though it was certainly not a sign of defeat. He crouched low to the ground, a stance typical of a silat martial artist, let his hands flow like water, took a beat to collect himself, and striked.

Reverse's karambit knife danced and flicked around his knuckles like a skittering animal, and he slashed with a curve to his moments. Sopan tried for a brutal, hostile stab succeeded immediately by a well-timed slash— it barely missed Reverse's midriff as he twirled away and brought his karambit close to his face.

Sopan held his slash; FrostFire came in with a blazing punch from the side, which Reverse dodged by stepping to the side, the flaming, projected fist of fire pounding the ground beside him with a vengeance, before Reverse lowered his body down and jabbed with his karambit at FrostFire's legs.

FrostFire wasted no time and jumped, the karambit catching the very edge of his pants and ripping a hole open in them. He landed on his feet right beside Reverse, but Reverse didn't waste a single sand of time and swiped his leg across the floor to catch FrostFire's legs.

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