Ep 1 : The Pompous Heartthrob

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Season 1 : The Denial

Park Jimin, 18
Jung Hoseok, 17

the silver haired male could hear the faint chanting of his name coming from the group of audience as he desperately tries to keep his focus on the hoop. sweat drips down his forehead as he dribbles the ball, moving forward with an urgency.

through his peripheral vision, the president could sense the opposite team member's presence, a looming aura as the said man runs across the stadium towards him making his heart rate increase. he squints his eyes, giving his all to focus on his goal.

knowing the other male was near him leaves him no choice but to shoot the ball. he jumps up high, his arms moving to a position that is firm as he swiftly throws the ball.

he falls to the ground with a thud, eyes watching the ball going through the net before hitting the ground.

panting heavily, the bright lights in the stadium makes his slightly teary eyes squint in pain.

he could hear them all going crazy, his teammates running over to him with loud, proud laughters.

he could feel his heart soaring when they lift him up on their shoulders, praises sliding into his ears with a honey like sweetness.

they won, he had managed to strike a goal that brought victory to his team.

eyes moving without his knowing, park jimin finds himself staring at the back of the stadium, watching a pair of brown, teary eyes widen.

a heart smile that has his heart racing, yet he wouldn't admit that.

the president quickly looks away from the pretty eyes, looking down at his teammates with a smile.

park jimin, the pompous president of the student council, star player of the basketball association and the one and only heir of the Park Family.

the man excels in everything, he is academically the smartest on campus, is a co-captain of the basketball team, knows how to play guitar, has a black belt in taekwondo and an amazing contemporary dancer.

the eighteen year old however is an introvert, doesn't communicate well with the others.

he hates socialising, hates that he has to always be the centre of attention even when he's doing nothing in particular.

arrogance, something that is bound to be a personality trait for someone like park jimin. the president himself knows how attractive he looks, knows how smart and athletic he is.

he praises himself a little too much, knows he deserves someone worthy of his time and grace.

jimin is always surrounded by the students, girls and boys throwing themselves at him, wanting to experience what it feels like to belong to a man like him.

he knows they're only after his looks, his wealth.

the thought does not amuse him, he is used it all. he doesn't entertain any of such people, doesn't want to fall in love.


those pretty, brown eyes shining almost always in happiness.

those heart lips with a small mole right above the cupid bow.

those little dimples peeking out shyly at the corner of his lip.

those rosy cheeks that seems to darken in colour whenever their eyes meet.

those curly strands of hair falling just right above his eyes.

the brunette has been nothing but a distraction ever since he moved to the high school two months ago and the president hates it.

he remembers the first time he had laid his eyes on the brunette. the male was sitting down alone under the cherry blossom tree at the back of the school, eating a cone of ice cream messily, pretty pink petals slowly falling around, some elegantly landing on top of his fluffy locks.

the boy had looked so ethereal, magical even.

but park jimin is cold, he has a reputation to maintain and he can't be seen with someone like the other boy. the said male is nothing like him, can never come close to even his perfect shadow.

jung hoseok, a transfer student from gwangju.

the brunette is a beautiful, bright kid to begin with. he is slightly extroverted, loves when people are affectionate with him.

but he is a slow learner, he is not academically bright. his scores are usually very low, being in the lowest ranking in class mostly.

hoseok is often bullied for his wimpy character and feminine physique, the way his small waist is curved like a woman's, widening just right at the hips.

like any other students in the high school, it was inevitable for hoseok to fall for the arrogant male. the brunette could still vividly remember how jimin had saved him from being bullied on the first day of school.

their eyes had met briefly when hoseok bowed to the male, smiling gratefully as he thanked jimin. the ravenette had only stared at his lips for a small fraction of time before rolling his eyes, walking away.

hoseok knew it right then and there that it wouldn't take long for him to fall for the handsome man.

and a week after, his newfound and only friend, namjoon, had forced him to watch the basketball team practice at the court. he remembers how cool jimin looked, dribbling the ball across the shiny floor as he swiftly threw it into the hoop.

jimin had ran his hand through his sweaty bangs, eyes momentarily falling on hoseok's figure. everything seems to still around him as their eyes stay locked on each other, the faint noise of namjoon squealing about another player echoing in his ears.

and he knew, he knew jimin is the one.

he dreams to be with the boy.

"hoseokie! did you see how cool jungkook-ssi looked, his eyes were so sharp that i wanted to get down on my knees right in the middle of the game."

namjoon all but squeals, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"jyoonie, stop being horny for once!"

he whines, dabs at his eyes to wipe the tears that pooled in his eyes as he watched the president being praised and loved for the win.

"i will if you'd stop being a sap. why are you crying hobi?"

"he looks so happy, like genuinely happy. jimin-ssi rarely show what he feels and i'm so proud of him that i can't help but to cry a little."

the brunette chuckles out, his friend letting out a big coo.

"aww, you're so sweet hobi-ah."

hoseok looks up at the president, his smile widening.

park jimin is indeed a dream.


to be continued...

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